Kags Harem - YouTube Famous

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BIMI: 2 unknown yet internationally famous dancers on YouTube whose videos go viral. This has been aided with the help of TikTok where they could do dance challenges and interact with their fans. But they never revealed their identities, wearing bucket hats and masks, barely allowing a view of their eyes. But one was a boy and the other a girl, so many speculated them to be boyfriend and girlfriend/best friends/sister and brother... 

"Um, excuse me. Is this the volleyball club?"

Thirteen heads turned to the gym doors sliding open, a curious male with jet black hair and blue eyes looking inside.

"It is. Can I help you?" an adult male with blond hair asked as he walked over to the boy.

"Hi. Um, I just transferred here and the requirement is that I have to join a club. So..."

"You ever played volleyball kid?"


"Cool, you can join."

"O-oh, thanks I guess?"

The boy walked further inside as the team were all called to attention by the Captain.

"Hi, my name is Daichi. I'm a third year and the captain. What's your name?"

"Kageyama Tobio, a first year."

"Cool! Hello!" a small orange boy shouted as he jumped behind a tall frenchfry's shoulder.


And that was it. Kageyama soon fit into the group dynamic and became one of the team's setters, on first line-up. He hung out with the team as they were his pretty good friends, but he also had other occupations they didn't know about. For example, an occupation that would leave him unavailable on the last Friday night of every month as well as every other weekday. 

"I wanna spy on him." Hinata stated when the team were all packing up after a late night practise that Tobio had rushed home from, saying he was really busy.

"Me too." Suga agreed, not caring that he was supposed to be setting the example as a third year.

"Yeah, it's so mysterious."

After convincing a reluctant Daichi and Asahi, the team all headed over to Kageyama's house. Well, they knew whereabouts he lived but not his actual address so they hoped they would just find him or something.

As they turned into the street leading to Kageyama's house they almost crashed into a teen on a skateboard, hood up and dressed in all black. He didn't say anything but wave over his shoulder as he skated by, his expression of "Sorry!". They were a bit shook by this but continued to walk up the street; yet they checked all the houses and didn't see Kageyama in any of them.

"I may be totally crazy but that skater looked like Kageyama." said Noya.

"The King can skate? I doubt it."




"Well, we will have to follow him another time." 

And the team split their separate ways to head home for the weekend...

It turns out they didn't have time stalk Kageyama again as for the next few weeks they were busy with practise matches in and out of Miyagi. Heck, they were even planning to go to Inarizaki for one weekend. But this week there was a training camp at Miyagi to which Fukurodani and Nekoma were invited. The gym was lively as everyone chatted and caught up with each other whilst they practised volleyball together.

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