IwaKage - I'm That B*tch

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"Bloody hell! I am never doing that shit again!"

The front door slammed open as Tobio stomped into their house, taking off one piece of clothing after another:

"That was so damn painful!"

A trail of six-inch boots...

"Absolute shit!"

Necklaces, earrings and bracelets...

"Why the hell did I agree to that?!"

Belt, skirt, tights and socks...

"Goddamn my feet hurt like hell!"

Shirt, panties, bra...

"Stupid setter squad! I'll kill them!"

Iwa looked the door behind them with a smile and shake of his head. Tobio's groaning and complaining and cursing amused him greatly; he chuckled as he followed the younger male upstairs, picking up the falling articles of clothing as he went. When he reached their bedroom he found Tobio lying on the bed on his stomach, face smushed into the pillows and muttering curses left and right.

"Hey, at least you'll have something to brag about." Iwa joked, trying to lighten Tobio's mood.

"Hajime, there is nothing to brag about when I can't feel my damn feet!"

Iwa did see that Tobio's feet were a little sore so he knelt down at the end of the bed and slowly massaged them one by one, trying to sooth some of his pain. Tobio gradually untensed and relaxed into the bed, sighing at the relief he felt.

"Thanks Iwa." he mumbled when the older male stopped, placing a kiss on his back before putting all of his clothes in the washing hamper. 

"It's okay baby. How about I run you a bath, sooth that sweet body of yours, hm?" he asked softly as he trailed kisses from the bottom of Tobio's back to the nape of his neck.

"Mmm... sounds nice."

With the content expression on Tobio's face, Iwa got up and headed into the bathroom, starting to run the water and adding in some balms that would help his boyfriend relax. He could see Tobio slowly sitting up and yawning from their busy day, and smiled as he went back downstairs to grab all of their shopping.

When the bath was full and their shopping put away, Hajime said that he was going to start dinner, and maybe join Tobio if he had time. At his boyfriend's teasing, Tobio sighed and playfully pushed him out of the bathroom before sinking into the hot water, the balms easing away any discomfort.

One week ago, the members of the pretty setter squad had all met up as they did bi-monthly. Somehow, after a few drinks, they ended up playing a game of truth or dare; because Tobio didn't want to reveal everything about his and Hajime's private life, his forfeit was to dress up in women's clothing when he went out.

So, since they had planned to go shopping at the nearby shopping district that day, he had told Iwa about the dare a few days prior. The pair- reluctantly on Tobio's part- ended up shopping around online for an outfit or two for him to wear, and when it arrived he was not impressed.

Everything was either too short or revealing, he felt so tight and exposed. If he truly had to admit it- yes, he found the clothes rather attractive- however, he had to bow down to the girls that wore these clothes on a daily basis. Goddesses! 

So, whilst dressed up in clothes to die for (seriously, he thought he was going to die) they headed to the shopping district in Hajime's Jaguar, and ended up heading inside all their favourite shops: Louis Vuitton, Prada, Calvin Klein, Gucci and Balenciaga. They looked around and brought a few things they liked before getting dinner at a small dine-in, contrasting the high-end markets.

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