Kags Harem - Hogwarts AU Pt.2

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Tobio was standing at the gates to the Quidditch pitch with his team, visualising himself catching the snitch. Today they were going against Hufflepuff so he knew he would be racing an excellent seeker. He would just have to be better.

"Hey, Kageyama!" a loud voice shouted when the team walked out onto the pitch.

Kageyama looked up into the stands and saw Yamaguchi and Hinata wearing blue hats and a banner saying 'Go Ravenclaw Go!'. He waved up at them and they cheered causing him to feel more confident going into the match. The captains met in the middle of the court and shook hands before everyone mounted their brooms and flew up into their starting positions.

"On my count... go!"

The balls were all released into the air and Kageyama immediately flew higher as he scanned the pitch for the snitch. A group of intense stares caught his attention and he glanced to the side of him to see the Durmstrang boys sitting in the stands and watching. He raised a brow and smirked before his head snapped to the right and he flew off at lightning speed.

"And it seems Kageyama Tobio has seen the snitch in record time! Will this be another win for the Ravenclaw prodigy?!"

Announcing this, Kageyama could soon feel that the Hufflepuff seeker was on his tail. His eyes narrowed as he raced after the ever-disappearing snitch, flying all around the stadium, up and over stands as he went. He recognised early on that the Hufflepuff was relying on him to lead him to the snitch and he grumbled at how stupid that was. Or maybe not.

He smirked and sped up even more before doing a complete U-turn and heading in the opposite direction. And his suspicion was right because the Hufflepuff seeker was soon zooming after him. Many onlookers who were also watching the snitch were confused at the sudden change of direction but one look at the Ravenclaw made everything click into place.

By now, Ravenclaw had scored six goals- making it 60 to 10- and were holding onto the quaffle longer than Hufflepuff. Kageyama dived just in time to dodge a bludger sent his way by a Hufflepuff beater yet continued circling the stadium. Then he turned and headed right for the bottom of the stand that the Durmstrang students were sitting in and sped up even more. The crowd of students gasped and leaned forwards in their seats, scared the boy would smash into the stands.

But, at the last moment he pulled upwards and flew right into the air, knocking the leaning Durmstrang boys into their seats as the Hufflepuff seeker rammed right into the wooden stilts. Kageyama raced up and up and up, before stopping and falling backwards, diving to the ground with his arm outstretched. At this several students shouted at him with encouragement.

"Get it Yamayama!" Hinata yelled through his megaphone.

"Speed up Tobio!" Yaku yelled as he saved a Hufflepuff goal.

Kageyama sped up that tiny bit more and grit his teeth against the harsh wind heading his way. A meter away from the grass he pulled up and flew straight, hand in a tight fist against his chest. He slowly came to a stop and could hear the bated breaths in the stadium. Looking down to hide his smile he lifted his fist into the air and opened his fingers bar two, showing the gleaming golden snitch in his hands.

"And that's 210-20! Ravenclaw wins!"

Screams erupted throughout the stadium as the Ravenclaw team flew down to Kageyama and crashed into him with a hug that sent them sprawling out onto the ground. Amidst the flurry of blue he could hear the commentator describing his epic dive and quick win and out of the corner of his eye the group of Durmstrang students standing and applauding with awe in their eyes.

In the Great Hall that evening the Ravenclaw table was crowded with cheering students. A few first years even asked Kageyama for his autograph, which he signed with a bemused expression. Even Asahi and Kita- despite their house losing- praised Kageyama for his skilful flying.

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