KuroKage - A Date?! Pt.2

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"So how'd it go?"

He jumped at the voice and turned to see Suga was sitting in the corner as if he had been waiting to pounce as soon as anyone came near.

"How long have you been there?"

"Around half an hour. Stop avoiding the question."

It was weird, Kageyama found, sitting and talking to Suga about his day, as if they were having 'girl talk' at a sleepover or something. And when Suga laughed or smirked or squealed it was a reminder that it actually happened.

"He really likes you, ya know?" Suga said after he let Kageyama get changed and put his things away. "He told Daichi so himself."

"But why? I'm nothing special-"

"Now you listen here my child." interrupted Suga, pulling the boy back down. "I don't want to hear that ever again. First I'll state the obvious, you're a damn good volleyball player. But you're also funny and strong and brave and independent and determined, not to mention you always try your best and put effort into things you're passionate about. You're an amazing person and don't ever think otherwise. Understand?"

"Yes mother."

"Don't tease!"

"You called me your child!"

Seeing it was nearing 1pm, the pair headed to the gym to warm up before the game. It was good to be able to play Nekoma again, they could try out their new skills. When they entered the gym they saw that Nekoma were already there and having a team discussion. On the other side of the room Karasuno were sprawled all over the floor looking like a mess. The hadn't even done anything that intense they were just being lazy. When the two setters joined them, Daichi called them to attention, talking about strategy whilst they stretched.

The captains greeted each other and shook hands, Daichi tightening his grip whilst smiling warmly.

"Suga told me you had a good time."

"I think so."

"Good. And now we're going to beat you, that'll be the highlight of his day."

"You can try."

The game began and Nekoma served first. Noya managed to dig it up and send it to Kageyama who set it for Tanaka but Kuroo blocked it and Noya slid to dig it up once again. The chance ball was set by Kageyama and Hinata spiked it but feinted at the last second, scoring them the first point.

This time it was Asahi's turn to serve. His practise had paid off as he completely slammed the ball onto the court, scoring them the second point. Kageyama pulled off a setter dump for the third point but Kuroo blocked and earned Nekoma the fourth point.

The game went on with no breaks until the second set. Nekoma managed to tip the scales their way in the last few rounds of the second set securing them the win. With all of the players hot and sweaty, the game was announced a good one and everyone headed off to get a shower.

Kageyama felt that he had played well in the game and so wasn't going to do extra practise that evening. He actually felt good in general, not just from the game; even though Karasuno lost he wasn't that upset over it. Whoa, this was not like him. What was happening? It must be Kuroo, he probably put something in his Boba.

Once he was out of the shower, he put on a simple t-shirt and joggers and towel-dried his hair. He raised a brow when he saw Tanaka and Noya near the door, whispering to themselves. He went over and asked what they were doing.

"We're gonna pull a prank on Hinata. You in?"


They heard that Hinata was still in the shower so Noya sneaked in and slowly pulled the boy's things off of the side. He tiptoed out and Tanaka had to cover his mouth to silence his laughter. He slapped himself to focus on the prank and gave Kageyama the black jacket.

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