OiKage - Help Me

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Kageyama and Oikawa were just relaxing and talking together after their match. With the encouragement of their teams, the two setters had gotten together and talked through their differences, putting aside their little rivalry Oikawa was so obsessed with.

Now they were good friends, but maybe a little more on Oikawa's part. You see, the Grand Kind believed he liked his little Tobio-chan. And not just liked, but liked liked, like double like. Like he liked him but more than like, like really liked and- damn Tooru, we get it!

The third year couldn't remove his eyes from Tobio-Chan's face as he fanboyed over one of Oikawa's serves that game. The way his midnight blue eyes lit up and the smallest smile on the corners of the lips made Oikawa's heart go doki-doki. 

Damn, he was really sounding like one of his own fangirls. Now all he needed was to bake Kageyama some cupcakes and write him a love confession letter. 

"... and then when you passed it to Kyoutani-san instead of how you usually pass it to Iwaizumi-san, that was really cool."

"Thankyou Tobio-Chan, I'm glad you have taken note of my improvements with those pretty eyes of yours."

"P-pretty?" the younger setter stuttered out, his cheeks blushing a pale rose as he looked at Tooru with wide eyes.

"Did I say pretty? I meant beautiful." Oikawa flirted with his signature grin.


Kageyama did not know their conversation would turn out this way. One minute he was telling Oikawa-san how awesome his set was and the next his eyes were being described as pretty? Beautiful?

"Oikawa-san, did you hit your head during the game?" the first year asked with concern.

Oikawa just laughed and lightly ruffled Tobio-Chan's hair until it was even fluffier than before.

"No I didn't. And I told you to call me Tooru-Senpai."

"Oh, right. Oika- Tooru-Senpai, why did you say my eyes are pretty? I thought you would say something more like, um..."

"Your eyes are very pretty Tobio-Chan, and I may even be a little jealous of them. Don't tell Iwa-Chan I said that, he won't let me live it down!" Oikawa rushed out.

"I won't Senpai, I promise." agreed Kageyama with a small laugh at how red Oikawa turned.

They managed to get back into an easy conversation with each other, talking about their improvements in the game. But then Sugawara shouted over to Kageyama, saying they were going to start heading out to head back to school.

"I'll be there in a minute Suga-Senpai!"

"Okay, say goodbye to everyone!" the grey-haired third year advised before heading out to the minibus with Asahi and Daichi, the rest of Karasuno slowly following.

"I've missed talking to you Tobio-Chan. You know I've been beating myself up these past few years, telling myself to just reach out and stuff, you know?" Tooru admitted, looking over to the younger setter with a shy smile before looking down at his hands.

Kageyama saw the regret laced deep in Oikawa's eyes, and so put one of his hands over Tooru's.

"It's better late then never, right?" he asked quietly, offering a small smile when the older looked over to him.


"And I... I missed you too." 


Tooru pulled Tobio into a tight hug, wrapping his arms tightly around the younger's waist and resting his head on his shoulder. Kageyama was surprised but returned the hug, hiding his face in the crook of Tooru's neck and enjoying how warm and safe it felt. They stayed like that for a while until they pulled apart, Oikawa trying to swiftly wipe away the stray tear or two.

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