SakuKage - Drawing You Out

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The whole Karasuno team turned to look behind them, peering through the crowd inside the entrance hall for who had called out to their setter. Kageyama furrowed his brow as he looked through the mass of mostly unfamiliar faces, until he spotted someone in a bright green-yellow jacket waving at him. A moment later the figure had managed to reach him.

"Hello Komori, good to see you." Kageyama greeted.

"You too, excited?" 


"Who is this?" Suga asked as he came to stand next to Kageyama, eyeing the newcomer warily.

"This is Komori, we met at the national training camp." Kageyama explained. 

"Oh, then nice to meet you. I hope you're treating Kageyama well." Suga warned before walking off to leave the two friends to speak.

"Are they always like that? The rest of your team?" Komori asked, raising a brow at the stern stares from two second years.

"Yeah, they're sorta overprotective." the setter explained, looking over his shoulder and trying not to laugh at the very failed attempt to look scary by Noya and Tanaka.

"Right, anyways. I wanted to come and speak to you and catch up, you know? But first I need your help." 


"Yeah, with Sakusa." 

Kageyama nodded but he was still confused, so he followed Komori's gaze to find Sakusa standing in the corner, leaning against the wall as if he wanted to sink into it and disappear. He wasn't the best with crowds, or people, or cramped spaces; being a germaphobe was hard.

"I see. I can give it a go." Kageyama decided, and he turned back to his team saying he would be gone for a while.

"Alright, but be back soon so we can talk before the game tomorrow." Daichi instructed.


"You'd better not do anything stupid." the captain added as he looked at Komori.

"I won't, you can count on me sir." Komori said with wide eyes before bowing and pulling Kageyama away, causing the first year to let out a small smile at how intimidating Daichi could be.

"I tried telling him to at least attempt to mingle but he wouldn't listen. Stupid cousin!" scolded Komori even though Sakusa was too far away to hear. "Just try and get him to leave his little corner of despair, people are giving him looks and that's going to make him feel worse."


Kageyama began to make his way through the crowd, saying excuse me too many times and unsurely waving to people who waved at him who were from the training camp. After a minute or two of feeling like he was going to get squished to death, he reached the edge of the crowd and cautiously walked over to Sakusa.

"Hey." he greeted as he leaned on the wall next to the second-year.


Sakusa looked up at the voice and was surprised to find Kageyama from the national training camp standing next to him. His posture loosened and he relaxed his folded arms, glad he wasn't a total stranger.

Sakusa and Kageyama had spoken a few times at the national training camp, and they got on well enough. Sakusa could admit the first year was an excellent setter, and was humble from what he knew when asking about Karasuno beating Shiratorizawa.

"Hello." he mumbled, barely audible through his mask. "Komori sent you didn't he?"

"... Yeah." confessed Kageyama. "But I don't mind. You're not as crazy as some people I know so I guess I'm a little less nervous around you." the setter added as he looked over at his team who were so loud they could be heard over the increasing crowd.

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