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It was a normal day. The sun was out, bright as usual and with the intent of blinding him in the eyes enough to make Kageyama want to start a fight with it. The teen was out shopping by himself in the local market, mostly getting groceries for his parents but also 'to get some fresh air and treat himself' as his mother told him earlier this morning. He had been stuck inside for the past few days, revising for the upcoming exams, and he needed a break.

He wandered throughout the stalls in the country-style marketplace and brought vegetables, fruits, baked goods and a few tinned foods. He stopped by a vendor and brought a carton of milk to cool down. The sellers knew him, after all he frequented there market once a month or so, and he smiled shyly as he walked through the stalls, not wanting to start a conversation that would carry on too long.

After purchasing everything on his mother's list he headed to the high street to look around, content to just window shop and only popping in if something caught his eye. As he walked around, he felt a strange sensation, as if there were a pair of eyes watching him intensely; it was the same feeling he often felt at a game when it was his turn to serve. He originally thought it was from the mass amount of faces at the market, but the feeling lingered as he entered the high street. 

He frowned and threw his carton into a rubbish bin before heading into a bookstore just across from him. He browsed the shelves to distract himself and ended up buying a new manga that seemed interesting enough. At the counter, he payed the exact amount and felt the same prickling feeling on his neck as he had before. He quickly left the store and walked back onto the street; he looked around casually enough that anyone would assume he was deciding where to go next, but Kageyama was using the moment to try and see if anyone was looking at him. 

There was no-one that stood out to him, only a few adults, a group of kids and an elderly couple or two sitting in the small cafes. He shook his head to get rid of the thought that he was being watched- starting to think he was being paranoid after being stuck inside for so long- and he headed into another shop to get himself a new hoodie, then a drugstore for some cleanser. What, how else was he supposed to keep his skin clear? 

It must have been around thirty minutes since he had entered the bookstore and the feeling still didn't go away. It was beginning to bug him. He took out his phone to look at the time and held it up so it was level with his eyes. He used the moment to look behind him and he found a guy- around his age- leaning against the side of the store and looking in his general direction. To test his theory, Kageyama turned around and headed into the bookstore once more, this time alert to see who entered after him.

It was the same guy.

Now he was really starting to get concerned. He repeated his actions but this time added in another shop or two, pretending to look over the products yet kept his eyes peeled for the stranger. And he was followed, every store, every time. The panic began to set in so decided to head back home. He left the high street and made his way through the afternoon crowd, navigating his way through the thin alleys of stalls and vendors. He was about to take the turning that lead to his house but stopped, realisation setting in. He turned back around and sure enough the male was still there, looking at him from the corner of his eye as he looked at some cherry red apples. He didn't want this man to follow him home. 

So, he took off in the opposite direction. He walked down a back alley or two- hoping to throw the guy off- yet every time he emerged onto the street the stranger was there. He acted calm in hopes of not letting the man know he knew he was being followed, and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when a familiar house came into his view. He quickened his pace and soon reached a front door which he knocked on three times. 

A few seconds later the door opened to reveal a male just a little older than him, surprised at Kageyama's appearance.

"Kageyama? What's up, you look tense."

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