Panic Attack

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The team knew something was wrong with Kageyama since practise that morning. He was a lot quieter than usual and jumped a little at every slam of a volleyball against the wooden floor. He only raised his voice once and didn't get into an argument with Tsukishima nor Hinata once. 

Then after practise he didn't even wait for the other first years to walk to class together. He just grabbed his things and left, not speaking a word to anybody. He was also quiet at lunchtime when he sat with Hinata; usually they would talk about volleyball and practise but Kageyama didn't say a word, barely eating as he pushed his food around before tipping it into the bin. 

At the end of the day he was slow with getting changed and almost put his trainers on the wrong feet. He sighed as he grabbed his water bottle, being one of the last to enter the gym. Again, another unusual occurrence. The team were worried that something was bothering Kageyama- knowing he wasn't a very open person, unlikely to share something even if it was eating him up inside- so they thought of ways to ask him what was wrong if he began acting even stranger.

The only frequent sign of communication was that Kageyama continued to look at his phone all day, sometimes sending quick messages. Each time he did, however, he looked worse and worse, paling with wide eyes at whatever he was seeing. He even brought his phone into the gym and looked at it twice as they warmed up. 

"Okay, everyone let's split up into teams! We'll do a practise game before we head home!"


The teams were decided and they boys all stood up to head onto the court. But what they didn't expect was for Kageyama to tell them to stop, returning from putting his phone on the side.

"I... I can't play." he said, looking down, hands clenched to his sides with pale skin.

"What? What's wrong?" Suga asked, making his way over to the first year who was almost shaking.

"I- I can't... breathe..." the first year whispered.

Kageyama fell to his knees, the team immediately rushing over with concerned expressions. Ukai realised the setter was having a panic attack and immediately told everyone to take a step back, knowing a crowd would most likely make Kageyama worse.

 He then tried to grab the setter's attention to try and get him to follow his breathing pattern, but nothing worked, he wouldn't look up. Instead he kept his gaze on his clenched fists, staring hard at the white knuckles as black fought his vision. Kageyama felt like his throat had closed up- a hand squeezing his throat more and more shut- and his lungs were on fire. He managed to look up at the coach weakly through his bangs before he fell unconscious, body falling to the side.

"Kageyama!" Ukai shouted, catching the boy's head before it hit the floor. He could hear the first year's faint breathing, thankful he wouldn't have to do any CPR.

"What's wrong?" Suga asked as he knelt down besides Ukai, looking worried at Kageyama's collapsed figure.

"He just had a panic attack and couldn't breathe. The lack of oxygen made him pass out but his body is fighting back. I'm going to take him to the nurse's office in case anything gets worse, and I'll stay there until he wakes up."

He slowly picked up Kageyama, making sure there was no more discomfort on the setter's face besides the small frown. A flash of his pained, almost desperate expression in his blue eyes when he looked up appeared in Ukai's mind, and he made his way out of the gym quickly. He managed to grab Kageyama's phone before heading out, shouting over his shoulder that he would keep in contact with Daichi over text.

"Tell us when he wakes up!" Suga shouted just as the school doors swung shut.

Everyone still held surprised, shocked and worried expressions, a foreign silence consuming the gym.

"We... we should continue practising." Daichi announced, trying to keep his resolve and not chase after Ukai.

"After that?" Hinata asked with wide eyes.

"It's what Kageyama would want." 

"I think he'd want to not be passed out." Tsuki argued, a rare occurrence where he agreed with Hinata.

"What just happened?" Noya asked aloud to nobody in particular. "I've never seen someone have a panic attack before. Not even Asahi."


"Thankfully Ukai knew what to do."

"I want to know what set it off."

"He's been on his phone a lot all day. But Ukai took that with him."

"I just hope he's okay." Asahi prayed, and worried silence once more filled the gym...

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