TeruKage - Flirting

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"I hope you know CPR, because you just took my breath away."

"You need CPR?! Oh my god I don't know CPR!"

"No wait-..."

This was just one of the many examples of Terushima trying his best to flirt with Karasuno's incredibly oblivious first year setter, Kageyama Tobio. As soon as Karasuno had walked through the doors and into the gym, the blond captain began his attack.

During their practise match together, the Johzenji player hadn't stopped trying to use his pick up lines on the ravenette, and even though they never seemed to work, he wouldn't give up.

Like he said, it's always the time to have a little fun!

"Your eyes are like the ocean: I could swim in them all day." the Johzenji captain tried again when they were standing opposite each other on the court.

"But they're too small to swim in? And that would hurt." the setter replied, tilting his head in confusion; Karasuno watched the exchange with their hands smushing their mouths so they wouldn't burst out laughing.

"Oh my god you're so cute and oblivious." Terushima whispered under his breath as he walked away.


They were now on their second set and Terushima was determined to make at least one of his pick up lines work. I mean come on! They were amazing! Like:

Do you know what my jersey is made of? Boyfriend material.


I was wondering if you're an artist because you're so good at drawing me in.


I would never play hide and seek with you because someone like you is impossible to find.

To which Kageyama replied with saying: "But I am right here."


I've heard it said that kissing is the 'language of love'. Would you care to have a conversation with me about it sometime?

Which caused Daichi and Suga to drag the poor setter away from the smirking captain and sit down with him in the corner of the gym.

"Kageyama." they both began in a serious tone.

"Yes? Am I in trouble? Did I do something wrong?" the first year asked with a sad expression.

"What? No! You're not in trouble." the Karasuno captain assured immediately.

"We just wanted to talk to you about Terushima." Suga explained.

"Okay. Why?"

The two third years looked at Kageyama with surprised expressions before sharing a look and turning back to him with a mixture of confusion and amusement. This made Kageyama look at even more of a loss than before.

"Kageyama, we think that Terushima is flirting with you." Daichi stated.

Kageyama was quiet for a moment as he took in the captain's words, his face blank. But a moment later it was one of shock and confusion.


Suga laughed quietly for a moment, amused at how oblivious Kageyama was. He wasn't even sure if the first year knew what flirting was.

"You know what flirting is, right?" he asked.

"Mhm. When you try to get the attention of someone you like, right?"

"Right. Terushima is flirting with you Kageyama." Daichi began. "Which means..." he trailed off, leaving it to the youngest to finish off his sentence.

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