Kags Harem - ABO In Volleyball

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"Did you hear?"

"Yeah, some kid from Japan is coming to the training camp!"

"I heard he is still in college! Second year!"

"No way? But this camp is for prospecting adult teams!"

"Yeah I know!"

"But did you hear the most crazy thing?"


"He's an omega."

"No way!"

"Yeah, but he is like the best player his age in Japan and many US teams want him!"

"But I bet he's still small and weak compared to us."

"Yeah, probably..."

These kinds of conversations surfaced around the US volleyball community during the three weeks that led up to the National Training Camp. Many people were invited to see their competition before joining new teams, and to maybe find people they would want to be on teams with. It was mainly for college graduates that were already successes in the field, playing in national competitions up and down the country during high school and college years.

The male that was the topic of these conversations was quite a mystery. Due to the strict privacy laws in Japan there were few videos of the boy playing, and those they could find were of bad quality or filmed too far away. But for him to be such a success in his country at such a young age- and to already have national and Olympic teams waiting for him to graduate to offer recommendation letters- they knew he had to have something up his sleeve.

Some knew that he was a talented and respected player, and disregarded his second gender, knowing those harsh stereotypes were out of date anyways. On the other hand, those who were more backward (a.k.a jealous) made speculations that he used his charms and appearance to worm his way into his No.1 ranking. This was only spoke about in hushes between small groups, because if team coaches heard it then their chances of gaining spots on their teams would be reduced. Significantly...

Training camp arrived and everyone was all anticipating the arrival of the Japanese boy. When the doors opened at last and in walked an older man who they assumed was the coach, and a boy beside him, their jaws dropped. He was beautiful. He was around 5ft10", so one of the smallest apart from one or two as most were about 6ft or up, and had smooth black hair and piercing blue eyes. He was definitely toned and sported a loose black sports t-shirt, black knee-length shorts and black leggings. 

"Everyone, meet Kageyama Tobio. Currently No.1 in his division in Japan. Be nice." the coach warned, speaking in English whilst Kageyama just looked around the gym and then to the players.

"小さいです." (It's small.)

The players didn't know what he said but by the coach laughing and saying something back that made the omega smirk, they knew it was probably something teasing. The coach and the player walked further into the gym, and Tobio took a closer look at the players. Most of them were quiet tall and sported a bit of muscle, but some were very tall yet lanky. Most seemed friendly enough but some looked at him like he was either a meal or not worth their time. 

Who did they think he was?

He rolled his eyes before turning to his coach with eyes that read 'Are you serious?'

"これは退屈です." (This is boring.)

"彼らにチャンスを与える." (Give them a chance.)

Kageyama sighed before looking over to the American coaches. Immediately many of them made their way over and began to introduce themselves, all eager to discuss their teams with the prodigy. The players scattered around the room were taken by surprise at the amount of enthusiasm and some were beginning to get jealous. 

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