Bad News Pt.1

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"Ya know, I don't think my parents have ever seen me play volleyball." Yamaguchi stated, out of the blue during their lunch break.

The first years had all ditched the classroom and headed out onto the green playing field for the fresh air; it was nice after a morning practice and stuffy classrooms.

"Me neither." Tsuki agreed. "No-one every really goes to tournaments apart from the students at the schools anyways."

"We could do some sort of after school practice match. Just between us then our parents could come?" Hinata said, eyes wide at the idea.

"Oh, that's a good idea Hinata." Yams agreed.


"What about you Kageyama, would your parents come?"

"Who cares, dumbass."

Hinata frowned at the annoying nickname, Tsuki let out a grin, but Yamaguchi saw an unusual expression on Kageyama's face. Annoyance? No, he saw that everyday. More like, sadness...

The team were all in the gym and practising their attacks, Asahi and Noya at the side working on Noya's defense. It was their usual setup yet there was an uneasiness in the air. Daichi looked around to see that his teammates were all their normal selves: Suga encouraging everyone, Yamaguchi laughing at a side comment Tsukishima made, the second years bantering in the corner, and Hinata getting yelled at by Kage-

Daichi frowned as he looked at the pair practising their new quick attack. Hinata was jumping about and hitting set after set, yet Kageyama was not shouting at him like he usually did, picking up on form or timing. He noticed the most the boy did was let out a frustrated sigh before getting another ball from Yachi, who jumped as she met Kageyama's intense eyes.

"Hey, can you make your sets a little more accurate? They seem off today." Hinata asked as he ran around.

"Excuse me?"

Hinata froze at the sound of Kageyama's voice and turned to see his teammate had frozen mid-turn, about to set up another shot.

"Care to repeat?" Kageyama asked, his tone deep and eyes glaring.


"No. Shut up dumbass, talking about how accurate my sets are. They're perfectly in time and without them you wouldn't even be able to do this goddamn attack."

"I was only suggesting!"

"Yeah, well anything that comes out of your mouth is utter shit so keep it shut!"

"Hey, at least I..."

"Oh, hell no..."

Their arguing had caught the attention of the other teammates, taken aback by the intensity of the shouting. Sure the pair bickered 90% of the time but this time it was aggressive and they both looked on the verge of exploding, Kageyama's eyes a steely blue and Hinata's face red with fury. Suga looked over at Daichi and Tanaka joined him as he walked over, ready to interfere if things got physical.

"Hey, what's going-"

"What has gotten into you, huh? Always shouting and being a foul git all week and shouting at me for every little thing!"

"Well maybe if you actually used your brain for once or were actually good at-"

"That's enough!" the captain shouted, immediately pausing the argument.

"Ya know what, I'm done."

Kageyama raised his hands in a surrender position before heading out, grabbing his bag and jacket along the way. Everyone protested and told him to stop, that they didn't want him to leave and neither did he, but the boy ignored them and slammed the door behind him; they watched his figure leave through the school gates.

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