TenKage - Little Monsters

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Today was the day Karasuno and Shiratorizawa were having their first practise match together. The tensions were high: Shiratorizawa was a power house school and Karasuno was rising from the ashes. Both teams wanted to win, but one a little more than the other.

Stretching on both sides of the court, all the players were excited to get started and show off their new skills and players. First years were ready to prove themselves and upperclassmen wanting to give their school pride.

"Ready?" Daichi asked as he shook hands with Ushijima. "Here's to a good game."


The teams had meetings with their coaches, discussing tactics and attacks to take advantage of the game. Ukai was hyping up some of the players- knowing the school's long history with Shiratorizawa- and told them to just try their best.

"Karasuno... Fight!"

It was Karasuno starting off the match, and their new setter was standing at the back line, ready to serve. He took a deep breath and several steps back before waiting for the whistle to go. When it did, he threw the ball in the air and took four steps forwards before jumping high. His palm collided with the ball and he watched as it flew over the net, slamming on the back line of Shiratorizawa's court.

The whistle blew and Karasuno took the first point.

Wide eyes looked at the new first year, surprised at the power that serve held. Yet, they could see that he was holding back. The setter's breath was steady and he looked focused, nodding at his team's cheers.

"Wah, Kageyama that was awesome!"

"Get us another one!"

"So cool. It was like fwaaaah!"

Kageyama, that was his name. Dark red pupils honed in on the new setter, taking his time as he read him, his expressions, his actions. But there was not much he could read- the first year seemed closed off- and this intrigued him greatly. Kageyama looked up and saw that a spiky, red-haired male was looking at him with wide eyes from the other side of the court, and he raised a brow at the reason why, but brushed it off and went to serve again...

It was the middle of the first set and it was 15-21 to Shiratorizawa. The red-head turned out to be a middle blocker and was excellent at read blocking, although he was incredible when he guess blocked too. Kageyama found out his name was Tendou- after one of his teammates was muttering about how annoying his blocking was.

He heard him singing a funny song, about crushing Karasuno's hearts and spirits. As much as it bewildered the setter it also amused him.

At one point, Kageyama was opposite Tendou, and when the red-head had stopped his singing to focus on Karasuno's attacks, Kageyama decided to sing it a little himself.

"Keep on breaking them. What, you say? Their hearts..."

Tendou looked at the setter, taken by surprise that he was quietly singing his song. Kageyama wasn't looking back at him however, and took the middle blocker's surprise as an advantage, performing a setter dump right by his side.

"Keep on shattering them. Their spirits..."

Kageyama sang the last little bit of the song whilst looking at Tendou, a small smirk on his face. Tendou's wide eyes narrowed and he took a step closer to the net, the setter mirroring him.

"So there's a little monster amongst the crows?" the red-head mused. "One of my kind?"

"Not little." the setter retorted. "Is the big monster scared?"

"You wish."

"Oh, I do."

"We'll crush you."

"We'll find ways to fly."

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