Kags Harem - At What Cost?

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The team were running wildly and breathing heavily, all wanting this moment to be over. To take the final point and win, that was the only thing on their minds. They were all at breaking point, anymore fighting and they would drop. Ukai's shouting completely flew past their ears. Hinata's excellent dig gave them a moment to refocus but it only helped for a second as Inarizaki managed to receive the first years' quick attack. Everyone was spent, hating the creeping sensation of resignation rising up.

The Miya twins could feel the change in energy and counter attacked with their own reverse quick. The ball was spiked and nobody on the Karasuno team could move, their bodies numb and minds tired.

But the expected thud of the ball landing on their court didn't come. Instead it sounded far away. As if... it landed on the other side of the net. 7 pairs of eyes looked up from the floor to see the ball landing back in Inarizaki's court, the team watching it just skim in front of the back line as the whistle blew. Number 9 had jumped at the last second, blocking the Miya twins' quick and sending it back over winning Karasuno the game.

All eyes were on the ball rolling off the court, and then the cheering erupted. Karasuno's team jumped up and cheered, still in disbelief, and turned to congratulate their setter. But cheers stopped short at the sight of Kageyama lying still on his side on the court. Suga ran onto the court first and crashed onto his knees by the first year.

"Kageyama?" he called out quietly as panic rose in his eyes. "Kageyama!" he shouted louder just as the rest of the team gathered around the boy.

He was pale and there was no sound of breathing compared to the laboured breaths of the players. Ukai knelt down on the opposite side to Suga and asked Asahi to take his pulse.

"It's really slow." the ace said before taking it again.

Ukai turned the setter's body so he was on his back and leaned down over Kageyama's face. He couldn't hear any breathing.

"Medic!" he shouted with a worried expression and Takeda called for one too. "He's not breathing."

The Inarizaki players watched with wide eyes at the scene in front of them. Their number 9 had won the game, but at what cost? Atsumu watched with fear in his eyes and took a step forwards as if to go and try and help, but Osamu held him back saying it was better to stay over here for now.

"Samu they just said he's not breathing!"

Osamu felt his heart clench at the fear on his twin's face, wanting to comfort him but not knowing how.

"Medic!" Daichi shouted, sighing with relief when a Medic rushed over and began to check on Kageyama.

The Medic checked his pulse then did the same action as Ukai before opening their bag and rummaging through it quickly.

"Kageyama." Hinata whispered, lightly shaking the boy's shoulder; he watched with rising fear as Kageyama's eyes remained shut, covered by his bangs that fell over his forehead as his head had fallen to the side. "Wake up. Please, breathe." He could feel tears rising in his eyes.

"He's pushed himself past his limit." the Medic began to explain as he filled an injection with a clear liquid. "You're bodies are all working hard to get the oxygen pumping but his has broken down. He won you the game, it had to end, but by the look of things-" the medic paused as he took hold of the setter's wrist.

"But what?" Noya pressed, wincing as the Medic injected the liquid harshly into Kageyama's wrist.

"I think he knew it would have consequences." they concluded as they wrapped a bandage around the boy's wrist.

Everyone shared worried and concerned looks before looking back down at the setter. The longest and most tense ten seconds passed in complete silence amongst the group until a large inhale of breath could be heard. Kageyama's chest rose and fell as his body took in all of the oxygen it could get whilst the boy remained unconscious. Everyone let out huge sighs of relief, wiping away any stray tears. After a minute it settled to a regular pace and the medic took his pulse once more.

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