AtsuKage - Comfort

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Atsumu awoke from his sleep. It was the feeling you had when falling in a dream and waking up from the danger your mind senses. But he wasn't in danger, he wasn't dreaming about falling. He wasn't dreaming at all. He rubbed his eyes and saw the time on the alarm clock said 2am. He was about to slam his face into the pillow and go back to sleep but the same feeling struck again.

He heard rustling, shuffling, and light breathing from next to him so rolled around with worried eyes. Lying next to him was his boyfriend, clearly asleep but not relaxed. He was clenching the cover and frowning as if in pain. He flinched every so often and curled up even smaller. Atsumu grew even more concerned at the state Kageyama was in.

He pushed himself up and turned on the lamp beside the bed. He tried to wake his lover up by giving him a light shake but all that seemed to do was make him flinch and whimper. This was a bad one. Kageyama had nightmares every so often, but they were ones he could easily wake himself from. But now he seemed to be trapped.

"Tobio, love." Atsumu called out, not knowing what to do. "Wake up, Kageyama."

He tried calling his name even louder, and shaking him even though each flinch tore a little at his heart. He just watched with tears in his eyes as every attempt failed. He was trying to think of something else to try when-


Atsumu looked down and saw Kageyama looked pained and scared. His voice was almost inaudible and broke, but Atsumu heard it. He shuffled closer and lay back down, taking in a breath before wrapping his arms around Tobio and pulling him close. At first, his boyfriend froze and stopped breathing causing Atsumu to panic. But then he turned around and pressed closer to Atsumu, as if he was awake and asleep all at once. Atsumu tightened his hold and began to whisper sweet nothings whilst placing light kisses on his lover's head.

"Wake up love. I've got you."

The minutes stretched on as Kageyama was trapped in his nightmare; each minute was a punch in the stomach for Atsumu who could do nothing but watch. At last, Kageyama began to untense and his breathing evened out. He gasped and his eyes opened, causing Atsumu to pull back and assure him that he was okay. It took a moment for Tobio to calm down and return to reality, and when he did he curled back up and began to sob.

"I- I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't say that. It's not your fault."

He hugged his boyfriend and continued to assure him until the sobs settled. He looked down and saw how tired Tobio was; he placed a gentle kiss against his lips before cuddling back up to him and telling him to go back to sleep.

"What if..."

"I'm not going anywhere love."

Kageyama nodded and got comfortable in Atsumu's arms before letting his eyes close and he fell asleep. Atsumu let out a relieved sigh before allowing himself to relax too, holding his lover close and not letting go until the sun rose.

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