TsukiKage - Glasses

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Karasuno being Karasuno, it wasn't uncommon for the boys to challenge each other to dares. Whether it was buying someone food or embarrassing themselves in front of other teams, Karasuno had no limits.

But the one person Kageyama was always scared to dare- not that he would ever admit it- was Tsukishima. Last time he was dared by Hinata to say strawberry shortcake was disgusting and then the blond didn't talk to him for a week. Not that he cared, he didn't.

But having someone glare at the back of your head for hours at a time everyday was not nice at all.

"Hey Kageyama." Noya began when they were sitting on the benches at the side of the gym, waiting for their match with Fukurodani.



"Oh god, what is it?" the setter asked cautiously, knowing Noya was very creative when it comes to dares.

"I dare you to take Tsukishima's glasses off of him and run away. But before that call him..."

Kageyama's eyes widened and he turned bright red. 

"I can't do that!" he shouted, gaining the attention of several players.

"If you don't I do have another dare in mind."

"... Fine."

Noya cheered and laughed devilishly before pushing the setter off the bench with a grin. Kageyama just stood there debating all of his options before slowly walking up to Tsukishima, looking back and giving a helpless look to the maniacal libero.

Noya watched as Kageyama walked up to Tsukishima and asked for him to sit down from where he was standing up and talking to Yamaguchi. The setter cast a glance back at him and Noya just gave him a thumbs up.

"Sit on the bench, please."

Tsukishima immediately knew what was up since the setter never used manners with him. He also noticed Kageyama send glances over to Noya who was watching with a smirk. So this was a dare, and he was the goal. He sighed, guessing he could just go along with it.

"Okay, um..." Kageyama began looking incredibly uncomfortable, his cheeks still blushed red with what he had to say. "Oh god, I can't do this." he muttered, hiding his face in his hands.

You see, Noya may or may not have noticed the *cough sexual cough* tensions between the two first years. Whether they knew it themselves or not was a different question. But- with how oblivious Kageyama was- it was more likely the latter.

"It's a dare right?" Tsukishima asked, causing the setter to peek at him through his fingers.


"Then just do it. It's not dangerous, is it?" the middle blocker glanced at the libero, recalling that his last dare caused Hinata to sprain his ankle.

"Um, it shouldn't be..."

"That doesn't sound reassuring."

"Okay, okay. I'm just gonna do it."

Kageyama took a deep breath in and out before straddling Tsukishima's lap, hands resting on his chest. Due to the slimness of the bench he had to push himself right up to the blond so he wouldn't fall backwards. Tsukishima was surprised but kept his neutral expression, trying to not laugh at the cute flustered expression on the setter's face.

"I- oh god."

Kageyama looked around and saw Noya- as well as some more Karasuno boys- were watching them with grins, knowing what was happening: Noya's ruthless dares. He also knew some other players were watching but he didn't dare to look, this was already embarrassing enough.

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