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So let's get one thing straight. You're not. Not when you are a guy who plays volleyball and you look at Kageyama Tobio for the first time.

When you first see him the first thing you will notice is his eyes. His bright blue, cerulean piercing eyes that seem to draw you in. You will notice how they take in their surroundings, understanding and analysing everything and everyone. But then you look too long and see that the piercing blue is actually soft and warm, earnest as they look around their environment.

The next thing you will notice is his hair. Soft black hair that seems so smooth that if you ran a hand through it it would be like pure silk. You will notice the way his bangs perfectly frame his face, and how he hides behind them when shy or flustered. Be warned, you may forget to breathe for a second when he pushes them out of his face during practise and his forehead is exposed.

The next thing you will notice is his body. His perfect height, perfect hands, arms and thighs and torso. Perfectly toned and refined with the right amount of bulk to balance out the natural inner-curve of his waist.

Then, after observing Kageyama for a while, and not giving him a chance to notice because he is entirely oblivious, you will get to know and understand his personality. You will see that his blunt nature doesn't grow from meanness and that he is actually just very shy around new people. You will notice his direct way of encouraging his teammates and how he lights up when talking about volleyball or milk. Damn, that boy loved them both more than anything else in the world.

The last thing you will notice about Kageyama is his smile. One that rarely appeared on his blank or frowning face. It will be small at first, with only the corners of his lips curving up ever so slightly. But if something manages to make him smile he will show his white teeth, puffy cheeks and pouty lips when he tries to calm himself down through slow breathing. However this sight is truly rare, and if he does smile it will often be done so behind one of his perfectly manicured hands.

So, to say Kageyama was an enigma was an understatement. He was a piece of art with too many interpretations to uncover. But you would be lying to yourself if you didn't want to uncover at least one of them, or as many as he would allow you too.

Because once you lay eyes upon Kageyama, you won't be able to take them away. You will be drawn in by his aura that screamed authority yet gentleness, and you will want to be by his side for every minute you can give...

And of course, this led to Kageyama receiving a lot of attention anywhere Karasuno went. Anywhere. From a meet-up with friends, training camps with other teams, or at national competitions, Kageyama would have all eyes on him. So, because of his oblivious nature, he would often leave eyes trailing after him without receiving so much as a glance their way. Therefore more direct approaches were needed if you wanted to get a moment of his time off the court. 

On the court, making an excellent attack or spike would gain his attention. And you could bask in the intimidating aura of his royal blue eyes as he watched your every move whilst not removing an ounce of attention from his own actions. But off the court, unless you were speaking to him right in front of his face, well, sorry to say this but you are invisible.

At every practise match Kageyama would receive at least one number from a random player that Karasuno had played against. He wouldn't say anything when the person spoke to him, only look down at the number then back up to see that the stranger had left and was standing with their team with red cheeks. He would look at them for a while, pout with confusion, before adding the number to his phone. Maybe they could practise together some time if he asked Daichi to set up a practise session?

And of course all of this attention towards Kageyama led him to decreasing his attention towards his team. Entirely on accident of course. But he couldn't stop the random texts he would get on the bus as they made their way back to school: the all-too familiar ping interrupting their meeting on analysing their game and noting possible improvements.

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