KageSu - Dress Up

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"I don't want to do this."

"Me neither."

"This is ridiculous."

"My face is so red and they haven't even seen us yet."

"Can we just run away?"

"I don't know if I can. These clothes are so tight."

"How can we practise in this?"

"That's what your worried about?"

"I don't want to wear it longer than thirty seconds."

"They're so going to take pictures."

"Oh no."



Suga and Kageyama stood in the club room, staring at themselves in the mirror at their outfits. You see, it was a dare they were challenged to yesterday and both boys hated backing down from dares. So now here they were in very feminine clothing. Sugawara was wearing a baby pink crop top and a white tennis skirt and white sneakers. Kageyama was wearing a cropped deep blue hoodie that barely covered his chest and black booty shorts that just covered his- well, you know, his behind. He also wore black sneakers.

They were pulling and itching at the clothes, in awe of how girls could wear this sort of thing, when they heard their names being called from downstairs. They shared a grimace before heading downstairs to the gym.

"You know," began Suga, "since they made us do this, how about we get a little revenge?"

"I'm listening." Kageyama raised a brow at the growing grin on the third year's face.

"We should show them the price for making us wear such, you know, sexy outfits. We should act as provocative as possible and see their reactions."

"Provocative?" the setter asked, half-paying attention as he tried to pull his hoodie down further.

"You know, lean down a lot, stretch, and I'll act a little flirty towards you."


"Come on, it'll be fun! Let's start now!"

Suga dragged him over to the door quietly, telling him to get into a sexy position. Kageyama had no idea what to do so Suga made him lean back against the wall with his back slightly arched and an arm over his head with one foot against the wall. Suga then put his forearm over his head and against the wall as he leaned against it, crossing one foot over the other.

"We're done!" Suga exclaimed, and Kageyama turned around so his head was facing away from the doors.

They could hear running footsteps before the doors were slid open with super strength. The next thing was that the team looked at the two of them with dropped jaws and wide eyes; Suga smirked and said they were drooling. Some of them actually wiped their mouths whilst the third year laughed and told Kageyama to go inside with him. He then wrapped an arm around the first year's exposed waist, who in turn put an arm over Suga's shoulders.

"Did you see their faces?" asked Suga as they headed to a corner to stretch.

"I tried not too. But they were all so red."

Suga wanted to take it to the next level and so began to stretch. They both slowly leaned forwards and put their palms on the floor as they stretched their back, legs in straddle position. They could feel gazes on them, yet they both talked between themselves, not giving any of them their attention.

"Are we going to play in these?"

"For a while. Imagine their faces when your hoodie goes whoosh and we see your abs in all their tanned glory."

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