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"Bro this place is huge!" 

"I know bro, I've never seen buildings so big."

"And their grass is green."

"I bet there are so many things to steal!"


The sleek black limo weaved its way through rolling hills, quaint cottages, bustling towns, and huge castles. Four boys looked out of the windows with wide eyes, wondering just how much everything was worth compared to the little they had on the Isle. 

"We will be arriving soon. Please resume your seats." the driver announced.

The boys slouched in their seats yet continued to ravage the sweets and chocolates available to their disposal. They were sweet, salty, nutty, chewy, gummy, sour, spicy, all flavours that made the food on the Isle taste like nothing.

"Do you think Auradon people will be scared of us?"



"That's what makes it fun!"

"We're gonna cause so much trouble."

Wicked grins were present as the group of boys went through big golden gates with blue flags at each pillar. They looked out the windows to see a huge school in front of them made from a light brown stone and covered in flags and banners of the royal family crest. The bright colours and terrible music that met their ears made them frown.

The driver pulled to a stop before the entrance of the school and got out, opening the door for the four teens. They tumbled out in a messy heap, wrestling and shouting with mad grins on their faces.

"Boys..." a quiet female voice began, "Boys!"

Their four heads turned in the direction of the voice, stopping their fighting and standing up to see the lady better. Their towering heights made her seem even smaller than she already was.

"Who're you?"

"I am Fairy godmother, welcome to Auradon and Auradon Prep!"

"Stop yer smiling, it's nasty." one of them muttered and the others fell into howling laughter.

"Well, I never." Fairy godmother muttered to herself, understanding the boys were not used to politeness or manners. "I am here to introduce you to your tour guides and helpers for the next few days until you settle in."

A boy and a girl walked out of the school's doors, standing on either side of the lady. The girl had black hair and glasses whilst the boy had short brown hair and tanned skin.

"This is Kiyoko and Daichi, they're here to answer your questions. Do your best!" encouraged Fairy godmother before she entered the school, sighing at how much of a handful the new children would be. Oh well, goodness class would serve them well.

"I'm Daichi." the boy held his hand out to shake.

A boy with spiky black hair shook his hand, tightening his grip to make the Auradon male uncomfortable. The girl saw her friend's popping veins and stepped in, offering a kind smile as she introduced herself.

"I'm Kiyoko, welcome to Auradon Prep." She was smart enough not to offer her hand.

"I feel like yer missing someone."

"Oya, you look all jittery."

The boys all smirked, laughed and snickered as the Auradon teens shared a glance.

"The Prince was supposed to be here today."

"But he's slacking off his duties. Again."

"The Prince, ey?"

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