Running Race

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Kageyama just sat next to Kenma as they watched everyone stretch and warm up. They held an unspoken, mutual disapproval for what they were about to do.

"Why would Kuroo decide this was a good idea?" 

"I want to die."

It wasn't until Daichi came over and pulled them up that they stretched too, doing simple warm ups to get their blood pumping.

Once everyone was ready they headed onto the racing track in the sports field of Nekoma High. Kuroo had decided to take a small break from volleyball practise and so now they were doing a team sprint race. Why? Kageyama honestly had no idea, he just wanted to practise volleyball.

"Has everyone sorted out the order they're going in?" Kuroo called out, receiving several loud replied. "Cool!"

Kageyama would be going last for his team of himself, Daichi, Kenma and Sakusa. Sakusa seemed just as disapproving as he and Kenma, and stood in his starting position looking silently furious. The setter guessed Daichi went with them to try and motivate them; he just hoped the captain wouldn't regret it.

He looked to his sides and found he would be against Suga, Kuroo, Akaashi and Iwa. Perfect. Truth be told he wasn't the worst at running he just preferred playing volleyball. Which was what they had all met up to do.

"Okay. On the whistle." Kuroo announced and the first runners- Daichi, Bokuto, Hinata, Noya and Asahi- got into their starting positions. They were all pretty hyped apart from Asahi, but Noya was there to give him encouragement. 

Kuroo grinned and allowed the nervous suspense to grow in the boys before blowing the whistle and shoving it into his pocket so it wouldn't affect his running. The teens began to sprint, Noya screaming random absurdities whilst grinning and Bokuto yelling for Akaashi to give him encouragement.

"Run faster Bokuto-san." the setter said in his monotone voice, also not excited about running. Maybe it was a setter thing?

Kageyama watched as one by one, the second group of boys began to run, holding onto their shining batons tightly so it wouldn't slip out of their sweaty palms. He looked at who was running for his team and found it was Sakusa; he wasn't surprised that the ace was a good runner, more so that he was actually putting effort into it. He guessed it was to spite everyone for making him do this by trying to get his team to win. 

It was putting more pressure on him as the final runner to win.

The third people, and he saw Kenma was running and sharing the same disapproving face. Daichi was shouting encouragement from where he stood near the start of the track but it wasn't heard over everyone's screams. He frowned and ended up screaming himself, yet it actually ended up scaring Kenma causing him to slow down. Now his team were last instead of second. 

Damn. He watched as everyone next to him- second by second- grabbed their batons and began to run. He groaned before shouting encouragement to Kenma, stretching his arm out to grab their blue baton before turning and beginning to flat out sprint. 

With each pace he picked up speed, easily catching up to Suga. He said a quiet sorry as he sprinted past the third year, who was surprised at how easily he caught up. He then did the same when he reached level with Kuroo, before inhaling as he sped up even more. He could hear Daichi screaming encouragement from the finish line and he groaned before pushing himself to run even faster.

"Sorry Akaashi!" he shouted as he sprinted past him, the older setter giving him a shocked look at how he had caught up, making his sprint seem like a jog.

Now the finish line was straight ahead of him, and Iwa was about six feet ahead of him. He defied the laws of social distancing and pumped his arms and legs even faster. Iwa knew Kageyama was gaining on him and screamed for 'Shittykawa to shut up' as he ran to the finish line. Everyone was watching as each second passed and the first year caught up, beginning to bet on who would win.

Kageyama could feel the pain in his ribs growing yet was not gonna give up now. He had to do this for Kenma, for Sakusa, and for Daichi. Iwa's figure grew closer and closer until they were neck and neck.

"Sorry Iwa!" Kageyama called out as he ran past, casting a glance behind him and giving the ace a wave.

He turned back forwards and sprinted, increasing the distance between him and Iwa until he was the one six feet ahead. Ten paces... eight... five... three... two... one.

"Finished!" Kuroo shouted as the Kageyama sprinted over the finish line.

The setter immediately began to slow down but Daichi was standing too close and the pair went crashing to the ground. The groaned and sat up, rubbing their heads before looking at each other and bursting out into laughter.

"Yamayama you were so fast!" Hinata screamed.

"Faster than you boke." the setter smirked.

Kageyama let out a sigh and lay back down on the grass, groaning as he rubbed where he felt a stitch was forming. He heard Kuroo announce everyone else pass the finish line before accepting Daichi's hand and hauling himself off the ground.


Kageyama looked over and saw Iwa walking towards him. 

"Damn, I didn't know you could run so fast." the ace praised and ruffled the setter's hair as he ducked and they began to play wrestle. 

"Fast enough to beat you!"


Kageyama's team- since winning the race- were pardoned from cleaning up duty for the rest of the weekend. This was a great reward, but the setter wished he could get free food too. Eh, better than nothing.

"Can we play volleyball now?" he asked with a whine when everyone was sitting on the grass and drinking water.

He fell onto his back and huffed before a looming figure blocked the sunlight. 

"Yes, so get up. Come on." Suga encouraged as he held out a hand.

"You're beginning to sound like Hinata." commented Tsuki.

Kageyama's jaw dropped and he turned to look at the snickering blond. He put a hand over his chest and fake sniffled, wiping away imaginary tears. 

"You're killing me. But at least I don't look like the Milky bar Kid." 

Boom. Shots fired. He smirked before walking into the gym, lightly stretching his stiff arms from all of the running. He cast a look over his shoulder and saw the Oya squad laughing at Tsuki's stunned expression.

'Wow'. thought Kageyama. 'Today is a great day. I feel like a total winner. Awesome.'

"Yamayama set for me!"

"Shut up Hinata boke before I serve a volleyball into the back of your giant head you human tangerine!"

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