You Can't Escape The Past

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Kageyama had been off all day, that much was clear. He was quieter than normal, sadder than normal, and just wasn't into the game at all. He missed a few sets and didn't get annoyed when Hinata did something wrong. Instead he just sighed and walked back to his position to start again. 

Karasuno were concerned as Kageyama only got like this when there was something going wrong or something troubling him in his personal life. Last time it was because his grandfather passed, and the time before that when Miwa was in a terrible accident but was luckily fine in the end. They also knew not to pry because right now- although it didn't look like it- Kageyama was a ticking time bomb ready to explode.

So during their practise match with Seijoh- during the term break training camp- Kageyama missed yet another of their quick attacks. He watched the ball hit their side of the court and sighed. He opened his mouth as if to speak and everyone paused with bated breaths, but a phone went off before he could say anything. 

Everyone shared confused looks because phones weren't allowed in the gym and the coaches all turned theirs on to silent. They watched as Kageyama sighed and walked off the court, grabbing his jacket and slipping it on before taking the ringing phone out of the pocket and heading to the gym doors.

"Sorry, just give me a minute." the setter mumbled as he pressed answer and headed into the corridor, leaving everyone looking stunned behind him.

"So that's kinda rude." 

"Yeah but did you see his expression?"

"Couldn't. What's up with him today?"

"I think something is on his mind. Or something is happening we don't know about."

"I know Kageyama. He wouldn't just walk out of practise unless it was important."

"Then... do we follow?"

The teams in the gym- Karasuno, Seijoh, Nekoma and Fukurodani- shared looks before rushing towards the gym doors and peering through the small gap that Kageyama left ajar. They saw that he was listening to someone on the phone and although his face was it seemed like he was trying to stay calm. After a while he spoke to the person on the phone quietly:

"I'm sorry... can you repeat that? ... You want me to say sorry? You want me to apologise to you? I might be wrong but the last time I remember I'm not the one who beat their children."

Kageyama's expression had darkened and he turned away and walked further down the corridor. He didn't want anyone hearing this as he knew it was going to get dark. And fast.

The players peering through the doors and those straining behind looked at each other with wide eyes, making sure they heard Kageyama correctly. His parents beat him? Which one-  both?

They returned to Kageyama and found him leaning back against one of the last few lockers as he took slow deep breaths, trying not to flip out. But when his father spoke to him in that whiny and berating voice it made his teeth grind.

"Well I didn't ask to be abused for thirteen years of my life! I didn't asked to be beaten or starved or emotionally fucked up did I?!" he shouted, running a hand through his hair as he began to pace from one side of the corridor to the other. "Please stop," he whispered, "I can't do this right now."

Karasuno saw that Kageyama was really trying to hold himself together before he went off at whichever parent was calling him. Sugawara and Daichi wanted to do nothing more than go up to Kageyama, hang up that phone and buy him some meat buns to make him happy. Because right now they could see in Kageyama's eyes, even from so far away, how much he was struggling. They wondered how long he had been struggling with this, and how they hadn't noticed until recent.

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