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It was once again another training camp between the friendly volleyball teams Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani and Seijoh. And as usual, Bokuto and Kuroo were being chaotic with Oikawa; Iwa was being a depressed team dad with Daichi. Tsuki was being dragged around everywhere he didn't want to go and Hinata was getting on Kageyama's last nerve.

So, nothing out of the ordinary.

However, since this training camp meant missing a whole week of school, they spent several hours a day catching up on work that had to be handed in that evening. This led to many group study sessions for different subjects, with coffee and tea and snacks to keep the boys all motivated. The third years helped the younger players when they could- apart from Bokuto who seemed to be receiving help from Akaashi- and it was a chill time.

But not for Kageyama.

For, you see, Kageyama had to wear glasses. It was only in the past few years did he have to wear them for close reading or computer use. However, due to him having such an active lifestyle with volleyball alongside travelling and school, he wore contacts most days or on days when he was doing exams or close reading in tutorials in school. 

Unfortunately for him he had recently ran out of contacts. Brilliant. And so here he was lying on his back on the floor and holding a Japanese textbook above his head as he tried to read the words. He could make everything out well enough but as time went on he could start to feel the strain on his eyes. And with the fact that he was tired after a long day of studying and practise, he wasn't doing too great.

Luckily, before finishing off any homework questions, the coaches had made them delicious bento lunches that they ate whilst watching a movie. This relieved Kageyama's eyes a little as he didn't really pay attention to the movie, opting to just look outside and let his eyes relax.

So now when the characters on the page were blurring together he gave a long sigh and dropped the book next to him. He rubbed at his eyes before sitting up and sighing once more. He had another page of questions to do as the review of the chapter he had just read about on human rights laws in Japan.

But he really needed his glasses.

Damn, he had never worn his glasses in front of people before, only in front of Miwa when he was working at home. That was it. It wasn't that he was self-conscious when wearing them (he was) it was just that none of them had seen him with glasses.

"Are you okay Kageyama?" Suga asked as he saw Kageyama blink a few times.

"Yeah, just... damn it." 

Kageyama got up and left the room, stifling a yawn as he went from their study room to their sleeping room. Thankfully he always took his glasses around with him for emergencies, so with a little digging in his bag he pulled out the small black case and opened them to see his glasses.

After grabbing a giant hoodie to keep him warm alongside his tank top and joggers, he returned to the study room. He collapsed back down onto his seat and put the hoodie on, shaking his hair out of his face before blowing it away for good measure. Then he pulled the hood up and crossed his legs before grabbing his glasses case.

"Are those glasses?" asked Hinata. "I didn't know you wear glasses."

"Only when I need them boke."

He made sure the lenses were clean with the small cloth in the case before slipping them on, blinking a few times before feeling immediate relief as the ache from his eyes and the blurriness in his vision went away. The thin round frame also widened his field of vision making him feel more comfortable.

"Oh you look so cute Tobio! Now we are matching!" Oikawa cooed making Tobio huff and curl up on his side as he lay on the floor, beginning to go through the questions, flicking through the textbook from time to time for key dates or people.

"They suit you." Iwa complimented.


"You should wear them more often!" Suga encouraged.

"I only wear them when I need to. I use contacts most of the time."

"You wear contacts?!" 

"Mhm, I always carry them around and use them during tutorials or exams, you know, for long periods of reading and writing and stuff."

"Oh I didn't know you did that."

"Because you never look around you boke."


"Stop shouting and shut up!"

"No but seriously. They are pretty cute." Akaashi stated and Bokuto furiously nodded his head from beside him making some of his gelled-up hair fall out of place.

"Thanks. But please stop staring." Kageyama asked quietly as he pulled on the strings of his hoodie making it smaller around his face as he turned away, focusing on a difficult question making him pout with annoyance as he tried to find the answer.

"Cuuuuuuuuute." whispered Suga aggressively.

And it was. It was very, very cute. 

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