Colour Blind

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"You really can't tell the difference?"

"No. But I think that one is blue because the black isn't as dark."

"It is! You're getting the hang of this."


The Karasuno volleyball team were peering through the small gap in the window of the Nurse's Office, trying to see what Kageyama was up to. They couldn't make out much due to the thin curtains blocking their view but it seemed like she was showing him some sort of chart.

"He doesn't look injured. That's good."

"Mhm. Let's go and practise whilst we wait."


Kageyama turned up in the gym around twenty minutes later, sitting down on the bench and rubbing his eyes. He gave Ukai a note explaining that he wasn't going to be practising that afternoon. Ukai read it with a blank face but glanced at Kageyama once or twice as if taken by surprise...

"Which one do you want Yamayama?!" Hinata asked as he and Kageyama were shopping for new sneakers.

"Um... the pi-red ones."

"Okay!" Hinata grabbed a pair in the blue colour and they both went to pay.

Later on they stopped by a bubble tea shop because why the hell not. Kageyama settled on a plain milk tea whilst Hinata got a blueberry one.

"That looks gross."

"It's delicious!"

"The colour is horrible. Looks like crap."

"What's wrong with purple huh?!"

"Pur- nothing it just looks gross..."

Kageyama had stepped out of the gym to answer a call from his sister. He had messaged her earlier and now she was just checking up on him.

"Are you managing fine?"

"Yeah I guess, it just took a while to understand what everyone looks like. There's a guy with spiky brown hair but it's actually black and then someone who looks like a freaking snowball but is actually blond. And then a few of them have dyed hair so I don't have a clue how to tell properly."

"Do you want me to bring a new pair? If it's bothering you that much, and maybe when you play it will help?"

"No, it's fine Miwa. It's good practise for me to figure everything out. Besides, it's nice not having to wear them all the time. It's not like my vision is bad."

"I know I know, it's just I know you can get confused so-"

"Miwa, really, I'm doing okay. I've been trying to wear them on and off these past few weeks and this time I just forgot them. No big deal."

"If you're sure. I'll see you later. Love you lil bro."

"Love you too sis."

Kageyama sighed and ran a hand through his hair before lying back on the grass and looking up at the sky. He questioned why the sky looked like the sea and the grass like the sky. Complaining about it being so confusing he shut his eyes and enjoyed the darkness.

"The sky is blue, that's why it looks like the sea."

"No it looks gree- shit, I said that out loud."

Kageyama opened his eyes to see Suga, Daichi, Hinata and Tsukishima standing around him. He sighed and pushed himself up, knowing they would ask questions. They sat down and looked at him with expectation but encouragement too.

"Kageyama, you're colour-blind right?" asked Suga.

"... Yeah."

"Why didn't you tell us you were colour-blind? It would be good to share it with us." Daichi asked.

"Usually I wear contacts so it's not a problem. But I've been trying to not wear them as much, and today I forgot them so..."

"It probably doesn't help when meeting new people, huh?" 


"So that's why you said my drink looked like crap!" exclaimed Hinata.

"You said it was purple but it looked brown to me." the setter explained and Hinata gagged. 

"Now I feel sick." he whined.

"What type of colour-blindness do you have, if you don't mind us asking."

"Type 3, right?" Tsuki spoke up and Kageyama looked surprised but nodded.

"I have Tritanopia. So," he paused to open his phone and find a picture of the spectrum he saved, "I see this without my contacts."

"That looks so cool, it's like candy!"

"I guess."

"I'm glad we know now. Don't hesitate to ask if you ever need help with anything, okay?"

"Okay, thanks Daichi."

"Okay let's eat!" Hinata shouted before grabbing Kageyama's arm in an attempt to get him to stand up.

"To me your hair looks pink." the setter stated as he looked at the ginger hair.

"Wah! Like cotton candy!"

The setter shook his head but stood up and began to make his way back into the gym, his team following right behind him. He felt better that they knew about his colour-blindness, knowing he didn't have to rely so much on his own memory now.

"Bokuto has the same coloured hair as you right?" Kageyama asked Suga. "Grey?"


"Okay, thanks. And Kenma is blond?"

"Right again!"

"Okay, I think I'm getting the hang of this."

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