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"Race you to practice?"

"You're on."

"Ready... go!"

Kageyama watched as the ginger began to sprint to the gym, leaving him alone. He sighed and rubbed at his neck before following, not running but walking slowly. He could see the ginger's silhouette up ahead still, probably looking over at him and wondering why he hadn't been overtaken yet. A few minutes later he arrived and was greeted with wide and confused eyes staring up at him.

"What's wrong?" Hinata asked. "Usually you're screaming at me."

"Just tired."

"Oh, okay!"

"Stop shouting dumbass."


"What was that?" he asked, smirking when the ginger's mumbling didn't go unheard and his face went red.



The pair got ready into their gym clothes before heading into the gym and stretching, calling over to Ukai to get their attendance. The others were all there and immediately began asking about their day.

"It's 7:30am. It hasn't even been the morning." Kageyama stated before sitting down against the wall, careful not to stretch his torso too much.

"Good morning to you Mr. Grumpy." Suga greeted with a grin.

"Ha ha."

After stretching they went straight into a game, Ukai wanting to raise their energy from tired sleep deprived teens to energetic kids. It was the usual set-up with Kageyama and Hinata alongside switching members; Kageyama watched with a frown at how bouncy Noya was for this time of day.

Noya managed to receive one of Asahi's killer serves and sent it over to Daichi. Kageyama scanned for an opening before shouting for the ball and focusing on Hinata.

"Left!" he shouted before setting it behind him to the right, allowing Hinata to spike the ball into the empty back corner.


Their team cheered whilst the infamous duo were once again praised for their quick attack. This score gave Kageyama some energy and he became more determined and focused in the game. Time went on and it soon reached 8am. By now some of the team were tired but still wanting to practice and get better. Kageyama was grabbing a break and having some water, leaning on the wall and rubbing his shoulder. He wiped the sweat from his forehead before getting back to the game.

"Are you really okay?" Hinata asked.

"I'm fine, stop worrying and focus on my sets."


The game resumed and Kageyama tried his best to ignore the aches and pains all over his body. Every time he jumped and landed his ankles felt like glass, about to break at any moment. His shoulder was killing and so were his ribs. His ribs were the worst. He must have looked pale because after another quick attack he stumbled and Hinata couldn't resist pestering him.

"Are you really really okay?" he asked quietly, as he walked over to the setter.

Kageyama turned around to shout at the ginger but the ground underneath him seemed to spin with him. He put a hand to his forehead and winced at the pounding he felt.

"I think... I'm gonna-" He couldn't finish his sentence as his limbs felt heavy and his vision went black.


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