Team Bonding

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"Can I get everyone's attention please?" Takeda announced and the team paused in their warm-ups to head over to their advisor.

"What's up?" Suga asked as the team all sat down together.

"Ukai and I have decided that although you guys are all improving as a team on the court, you aren't all really bonding with each other yet." explained Takeda.

"We have only been a team for a few months." 

"We get that kid," Ukai took over, "but we really think that if you guys start getting to know each other more then you're playing will improve immensely."

"That does sound interesting. What do you have in mind?" Daichi asked.

"Takeda has made some simple questionnaire forms we want you all to fill out. It can be named or anonymous and you aren't forced to answer anything you don't want to." explained the coach.

"And then we can look at all of your answers and maybe set up some paired bonding or group activities you could all do together." Takeda added.

"That sounds like a good idea." Suga agreed. "I think this will help us understand each other more."

"I agree. Here, I'll pass them out."

Daichi took the pile of paper from Takeda and began handing them out to each of the boys whilst Suga handed out some pens. Then everyone went to their own small space in the gym and began answering the questions. Some were really basic questions such as 'When is your birthday?' but others were more personal such as 'Do you have any health issues?'

Of course this information was on their student profiles, but unless things went undetected or unspoken this would allow for some important facts to be brought to light about some of their players. But for some players this was incredibly uncomfortable.

For example, Kageyama had been staring at the question 'Do you have any mental health issues?' for the past five minutes. He had filled in just over half of the questionnaire and left the rest blank, finding it either too personal or useless. The other boys had almost all finished but he was still stuck on this question. Does he say something? Does he not? What would they think? Would they hate-

"Hey Kageyama, are you nearly done?" Suga asked as he made his way over to the first year who was sitting in the corner of the gym.

"Yeah, nearly."

He sighed and looked at the piece of paper with an uncertain expression. Suga saw this but didn't comment on it, understanding that some of the questions were very personal. Several times Kageyama put his pen to the paper and removed it without actually writing anything, but after another minute or so he hastily scribbled down some words and passed the questionnaire over to Suga silently. The third year took it with a smile and walked back over to the group with the first year, making sure to not read the answers on the sheet.

"Okay, I think that is everyone's questionnaires. You guys can all finish your warm-ups whilst me and Ukai look through them." announced Takeda.

"Okay!" they chorused.

The team continued their stretched and light exercises, often casting quick glances over to their coach and advisor who were talking quietly as they discussed the boys' answers. Sometimes they looked surprised, sometimes they laughed, but they also saw one or two looks of concern. Five minutes passed and they were once more called over to the two adults.

"We've looked through the questionnaires and found that some of you have more in common than you may think. We've also found out that some people in here are really going to benefit from some of the bonding exercises we have planned in the future."

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