Kane - Crazy

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Does standing up for someone mean you like them? No. No it doesn't.
Except in this case.

You sit in the corner of catering, alone.
Last week you lost a lot of friends because of something you couldn't control. 
But to them it was the end of the world.

You had been watching the match from the back, Kane vs Chris Jericho, and a few insults had been thrown at Kane.

You had simply said it wasn't right to say such things and suddenly everyone's attention had been on you.
You hope no one read too far into it, after all, it was only a comment and it applies to everyone.
Not just Kane.

Although you have a feeling everyone has decided you're not right to be around, since despite coming in like normal and doing all the things you usually do no one has spoken a word to you.

You tip the bottle of water from side to side, watching it flow.
With no one to talk to you've found yourself quite bored all evening.

You place the bottle on the table, the water settling.
You take a deep breath, ignoring the feeling that has been bugging you, loneliness.

"They'll come around" you mutter, staring at the water in the bottle.
Suddenly the water ripples, and the room is no longer quiet.

"The very fact that you think you can just walk away from me is disgusting. I want my rematch!" You frown, watching as the water calms once more.

"You only won last week because I slipped, if I hadn't I would have won that match." The angry voice gets louder, and you finally look up, seeing Chris Jericho standing practically on top of you, shouting across the room at none other than Kane.

"You're going to give me a rematch, tonight, Kane. Whether you want to or not." 
"Stop being such a brat, Jericho" you say aloud.
"I'm sorry, what?" He asks, looking around for the culprit.
You shuffle out of your seat and stand, not quite matching his height.

"I said, stop being such a brat." He looks more than a touch taken aback by your words, maybe even a little impressed that you've stood up to him.
"Y/n." He mutters your name, voice laced with hatred. But a smirk appears on his face, "of course it would be you standing up for Kane. Again."
Although you can't see Kane you can feel his eyes on you.

"So what if I am?" You snap, Chris' smirk growing into a mischievous grin.
"It's just.. Well. It's not like it's the first time you've spoken up to defend Kane." You roll your eyes.
"Chris shut your mouth." Kane says, now standing at your side.
Which puts you right in the middle of them both. 

"Isn't this something" Chris chuckles, "the picture of romance."
"What?" Kane asks.

"Oh, you don't know" Chris sniggers, you give him a deadly glare, silently telling him to keep his trap shut. "Y/n here has.. well. More than a bit of a thing for you."

You frown, "Enough Chris". He only laughs.
"No wonder all your friends have ignored you, I mean how messed up do you have to be to fall for Kane? A heartless monster. I mean, come on."
You sigh, "Chris, stop."

He laughs, almost sadistically. You scowl, feeling your anger rising. 
You keep your eyes fixated on Chris, but can't bring yourself to do anything.
Kane doesn't say a word, reaching right over your head and knocking Chris on his ass.

Chris scrambles to his feet, not looking particularly pleased.
He opens his mouth to speak but Kane's voice shuts it quickly. "You're not getting a rematch, and you're not going to poke fun at Y/n. I suggest you stop following me around before I put you in an ambulance."
The look on Chris' face is one of a spoiled child who got told no for the first time.
He storms off, slamming the door behind him.

"Y/n." You turn to look at Kane upon hearing your name, "thank you."
You stare at him, just a little bit taken aback.
You can't recall ever hearing Kane even whisper those words before.

You say nothing, simply staring up into his mismatched eyes.
He stares back down into yours, and for a moment you forget the rest of the world exists. For that moment it's just you and Kane.
You look away, feeling odd. Warm and.. fuzzy. 

Not a second later you look back up, Kane still stood above you.
You question why he is still here, surely it would be easier to just disappear like usual.
He stares down at you in silence, his eyes searching for the answer to an unknown question.

Seemingly unsatisfied with whatever he found Kane turns to leave. You look around, everyone else in catering is preoccupied. Therefore no one will notice if you leave.

You silently follow Kane, careful not to bump into anything or make a sound.
You follow him out of the main area, down halls that twist and turn, a maze for anyone who does not know their way.

You don't stop, the thought of turning back never once crossing your mind.
You watch from behind a corner as he enters a room, leaving the door slightly ajar.
You tread carefully, getting over to it without so much as a loud exhale.

The metal of the handle is surprisingly cold, forcing you to draw your hand back in surprise.
Instead you place your fingertips against the wood, gently pushing the door open.

"You can stop sneaking around. I know you're here." Kane's voice calls. You bite your lip, continuing to open the door without making a sound.
You stand now in the door frame, eyes fixated on the man in the center of the room.
"Why have you followed me here?"

"You know.. I'm not really sure. I just felt like I should." You shrug, taking a proper step into the room.
"How do you know by coming here that you're not in danger? I'm.. as Chris said. A heartless monster." The anger in his voice is more than evident, but you don't step back towards the door.

"Nothing's dangerous if you know what you're doing." You mutter, taking step after step closer to Kane.
"And what is it you're doing?" Kane asks, voice now quiet.

"I'm doing what I need to. What I want to." You stop, inches from him.
You look up at Kane, your gazes connecting.

You can see the puzzled look in his eyes, he obviously wonders what you're talking about.

You reach up, wrapping your arms carefully around his neck.
The puzzled look turns into one that is still curious and questioning but there is a hint of something else.
Something you hope matches how you feel in the situation.

Slowly you pull his face to a height that is easier for you to reach, placing a short but tender kiss upon his lips.

He stays there, almost stunned, for what seems like forever.
"You must be crazy." He mutters before repeating your action.
You offer a soft smile, recognizing his hand now on the small of your back.
"And you must have a heart."

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