Shawn Michaels - Betrayal At Heart

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When Triple H and Shawn go out to the ring to address their problems you stay behind in the gorilla, waiting for them to return.
But it seems your brother, Triple H, has something else in mind.

"Then, for the thousands in attendance, and for the millions watching at home" You grin as you watch the two build up the crowd, watching your brother and best friend work together is the stuff of dreams.

The charisma between the two of them is second to none, both in and out of the ring.
They make the perfect pairing, both witty and daring, but one much better looking.

It is no secret between you and your brother Triple H, Shawn, and the Creative team that you fancy the Heart Break Kid.

Well, You suppose it has to be Shawn or it's kind of weird, with you being related to Hunter and all.

"Lets get ready to suck it!" the crowd cheers, and the smile on your face only gets bigger.
This is their usual routine, getting the crowd fired up, but this time Triple H turns to Shawn, kicking him.

Shawn bends over in pain, and the crowd gasps in shock.
Hunter positioning Shawn's head between his legs, setting him up for the pedigree as he holds Shawn's arms behind his back.

You watch in shock with the thousands looking down from their seats on the arena as Hunter jumps, taking Shawn with him all the way back to the mat.
Shawn's head bounces off of the padded, bust still hard, surface, causing you to wince.

You shake your head in disbelief as Triple H paces before his teammate.

Not even fifteen minutes ago the three of you had been laughing and smiling, talking about who they were going to go after next.
But now it seems all of that has gone out of the window; it seems almost as if it had never happened at all.

Reality comes crashing down upon you, and you see HHH rip off his Degeneration X shirt, the one both him and Shawn had been wearing when they exited.
The one you are still currently wearing.
He throws it by Shawn's head, discarding the garment as if it means nothing to him.

Overcome by anger you storm out onto the stage as he makes his way up the ramp. You sprint over to him to him.

"Hunter! What the fuck!" you shout, and he gives you a stern look, "You stupid, idiotic, filthy, dirty, backstabbing son of a-" your back collides with the barricade, knocking the air from your lungs.
You look up, blinking a few times so you can focus, but your brother has already walked off.

Two referee's come to check on you, but you wave them away.
Slowly, but surely, you rise to your feet, still dazed and trying to catch your breath.

You make your way to the ring, the ringside medic coming over to check you are okay after the small knock to the head.

"How do you feel?" he asks, and you wave him off as you had done the referees, not wanting to answer.
He stops, knowing how stubborn wrestlers can be, leaving you alone for now.

You pull yourself onto the apron, rolling under the bottom rope, crawling over to Shawn.
He lays there, still. The pedigree from his former teammate knocked him out cold, and all he can do is lie there.
You lie next to him, still catching your breath from when Triple pushed you, waiting for Shawn to stir.

You sit up noticing a little movement, and a pained groan from the Heartbreak Kid.
His eyes open slowly and it takes him a moment to work out where he is, but sure enough once he notices he pushes himself up as much as he can.

"Take it easy Shawn" you place your hand on his shoulder and suddenly find his light brown eyes staring through you.
He is in a state of obvious shock, and the pedigree seems to have done some damage.

"What happened?" His words are mumbled, and it's hard to hear him over the crowd, who are still in shock themselves because of what happened.

"You took a pedigree, knocked you out cold" Shawn groans once again, holding his head.
You stand, and hold out your hand for him to take, which he does.
He uses you to pull himself up, all the while being careful not to pull you over as he does so.

Once the two of you are stood in the ring the crowd cheers, and you look at Shawn.
He slowly makes his way over to the ropes, which he holds open for you before going through them to the apron himself.

The two of you make your slow ascent up the ramp, ready to get into the quiet where you can think about what just happened.

"He stabbed us in the back" Shawn growls, "you, his own flesh and blood, and me, his best friend. I should have noticed before" You shake your head, walking alongside him.
The cameras are rolling and sending the feed live to the titantron, giving the WWE universe a taste of what happens backstage.

The two of you stop abruptly, and you see the camera pan from the corner of your eye, getting Triple H in the shot.
He stands tall, emotionless as he looks over you and Shawn, seeming not to care.
"Y/n, come with me" he says, voice full of demand. You look at Shawn who looks between you and your brother.

"Y/n will not be going anywhere with you"
"Yes she will" the two men glare at each other.
You don't want a fight to break out, not right here and definitely not right now with Shawn's current state.

You step forward a little, looking up at your older brother.
You snarl at him and he gives you a slightly amused look.

"I am not going anywhere with you, Hunter" He cocks his head, questioning you. You give him a sickly sweet grin before turning to HBK.

The two of you make eye contact briefly before you pull Shawn's face to yours, joining your lips to prove a point.
The stare you earn from your brother is intense. If looks could kill no one in the arena would be left alive.
You hear him storm off but continue the kiss, knowing the segment isn't over for another few seconds.

"And we're done" you pull away from Shawn, not too sure what to be thinking at this stage.

"I don't know about you, but I needed that" he mutters, barely loud enough for you to hear.
"What?" You didn't quite catch what the Shawn had just said, but he dismisses the subject. "Well" you begin, "That was fun" you smile, and he smiles in return.

"Yeah, we should do that again sometime" he winks.
You can feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you look away from him, biting the inside of your lip.
He lifts up your head with his thumb and forefinger, flashing you his perfect smile. "How about we go somewhere more private and do it again?"

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