Kane - Secret Admirer (2)

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You're forced to confront Kane about last week and find out the truth.


"Y/n, it's nice to finally get you ring side. Can you tell us what happened last week?" JR asks, leaning further against the announcers table as the show comes back from break.

"Thanks JR, last week was strange, I'm not entirely sure myself, I mean, how would you react if you suddenly find out your secret admirer hasn't even been sending you messages and it was in fact someone doing it for them.

Not to mention you have to face them or risk having their brother seriously injured for setting you up" you reply, leaning back into the chair.

"It is strange, I can't imagine how I would feel" Michael pitches in
"I'm not sure I remember to be honest, I was too busy trying to understand what was going on"
You flinch at the familiar sound of the bell toll that signals the deadman's entrance, but remain calm.

"Kane, a secret admirer? I'm not convinced he has those emotions" Michael Cole mutters.
You discreetly roll your eyes, "there's something there. Kane, he is a little menacing, but if last week was any demonstration he won't hurt me."

"That's right, it was a shock when he just walked away. Who'd have thought? The monster, tamed by Y/n" you chuckle at Jim, shaking your head a little.
"I'm not sure I'd call it tamed" you state, watching Undertaker like a hawk, whatever could he be doing?

"I certainly would, I mean, he just stopped! Something I never thought I'd see Kane do" Jim exclaims.
"Me either, but I suppose we'll just have to wait and see" you add, just as Undertaker begins to speak.

"Last week everyone witnessed something. Something that shocked us all. Kane, controlled by a woman. Even the most skilled wrestler cannot tame my brother. He's a force, brutal, what some people would call a monster. But last week that monster was finally taken control of. I'd like my brother to come down here, and I want him to admit to Y/n, and the world, that he's more than just a monster."

"What is he doing?" you mutter to yourself.
"I think he's calling you and Kane to the ring" Michael adds dully.
"Yes, I understood that bit" you mumble, Jim's amused look almost making you laugh. "Excuse me for a second" you say to the announcers, taking off the headset. Maybe the time away from Michael Cole will do you some good.

"What are you doing?" you exclaim, having entered the ring. "You are in no state to be calling out your brother. You know damn well he'll come and attack you"
"That's what I have you for" Undertaker replies plainly, taking a hold of your arm before raising the mic to his lips once more. "Come on Kane!" he taunts.

"Okay, this is enough. You're crazy" you pull out of his grip, the lights going black as you do.
When they raise again seconds later you find yourself leaning on the turnbuckle, Kane storming towards the ring catching your eye.

You stand properly, Kane approaching the ring with surprising speed despite his size.
You take an involuntary step back as Kane's gloved hand grabs the top rope, allowing him to hoist himself up.

Within seconds you find yourself between the two brothers, the only thing keeping Kane from ripping Undertaker apart.

They stare over you, into each others eyes, the tension in the air thick, almost suffocating.
You don't move, despite your fear. Anything could happen.

You know what both of these men are capable of doing, and you don't want to become a victim in the midst of things.

"Kane, we don't see eye to eye, we do have our differences, our reasons to fight, but this is not one of them" Undertaker states "This is for you, not me. I'm not doing this for leverage, I'm doing this because I've done some horrible things to you in the past, and I want to do this to finally do something right"

You can feel the anger still radiating off of Kane, but nothing happens, he just continues to stare.

"He won't Undertaker. Kane doesn't feel anything for this woman" You sigh at Paul's voice.
As if the situation wasn't enough already, now he's gone ahead and got involved.

"This is nothing to do with you Paul. You don't dictate Kane's feelings. I've seen this for myself, everyone saw it last week. Hell everyone can see it now. If it wasn't for 'this woman' Kane would have gone right though me already."

You snatch the mic from Undertaker's hand, stepping to the side just enough to see Paul, but enough you're still between the two brothers.
You realise he's closer to the ring than you thought, in the process of walking around to the steel stairs to get in the ring.

"Why don't you stay out of it Bearer? You're not a part of this conversation"
Paul says nothing more, so you avert your attention back to the two brothers, particularly Kane.

"I don't know how this came about, but this ends today. I want to know what's going on and I want to know it from you, Kane. This only really concerns the two of us."

Kane now looks at you, and you at him.
The angry energy you could feel earlier is less prominent, the environment becoming more comfortable by the minute.

You sidestep, walking to the opposite side of the ring to Paul, with the intention of keeping your eye on all three of them.
You hear Undertaker's chuckle, turning to face them as fast as you can, but Kane already has his brothers throat in his grip, the two once again watching each other carefully.

"Kane" his eyes are on you in an instant, but his grip doesn't waver. "he's injured, leave him be" Kane doesn't move, but his eyes stay fixed on you. You step back toward them, nervous thoughts swimming in your mind. "Please"

Kane's arm falls to his side, Undertaker taking a step back with a smug grin on his face.
Kane turns to face you and everything else seems to disappear.

"I need to know" your voice is soft, not wanting to seem anxious, but it's hard.
Kane's chest rises slowly with the deep breath he takes in, holding it for longer than natural.
He says nothing.
Neither do you.

Slowly he closes his eyes, nodding his head twice, and only twice.

Paul's screeches are distant, and pull neither of you from the moment, Kane reaching out.
He holds his hand in the air between the two of you, almost as if asking for a high five.
Slowly you bring yours to meet his, any nerves you had disappearing the instant your hand makes contact with his.

You keep your eyes on his mismatched ones as Kane pulls his hand away. A small smile breaks through as Kane gestures for you to follow him out of the ring.

As you do so Undertaker catches your eye, a pleased smile rested on his usually stern features.
He's worked hard to get to this moment, and you get the impression he's pleased with the payoff.

You walk alongside Kane up the ramp, your ringside commentary and Paul forgotten about as Kane and you take your first steps together. 

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