Shawn Michaels - Romeo and Juliet

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Bret doesn't like Shawn. Not at all.
That's not going to stop you from being with him though.

It's common knowledge that Bret and Shawn do not get along.
Bret does not like Shawn, and Shawn does not like Bret.
Neither man likes the others attitude.

That is something that has put you in quite the predicament.
Being attracted to Shawn? Unacceptable.
Being in a relationship with Shawn?
To Bret that may as well be the end of the world.

And yet you've managed to hide it for 3 months.
For 3 months you've managed to keep your relationship a secret from your older brother
It has been incredibly hard sneaking around Bret, although you've also kept it a secret from the rest of the family. In fact it's been between you, Shawn and a few close friends.

No one else knows.
And you're sick of it.

"Shawn?" You ask, drawing his attention away from the ongoing match.
"What's up?" He asks, flashing you his signature smile.

"I'm ready. I want to make us, this, public." His smile grows.
"Are you sure you're ready? The backlash you're likely to get is going to be pretty bad." You nod, you really really want to stop hiding it.

"I'm sure."
"That's great news, gorgeous. How about you escort me to the ring for my match and we can let the world in on our secret then?" You nod, shooting him a small smile as he turns his attention back to the match.

Ten minutes later Shawn removes his arm from your shoulders, "I'll be back soon, okay? I'm going to go get ready." You nod, cracking a smile as Shawn places a kiss on your forehead.

Shawn was always surprisingly sweet, surprisingly romantic, despite his onscreen persona.
He had always shown a lot of affection, focusing much more on the smaller acts than big showy ones.

It had not been something that you expected before you and Shawn began sneaking around, although from the beginning it became apparent that Shawn was going to be a lot more caring and down to Earth than you thought.

You keep your eyes on the small TV set in front of you, keeping your mind occupied as to not overthink your plans for later.
This was likely going to cause some problems, but you're going to be free, not hiding away to protect other people. You can't wait.

"I'm back." Shawn says from behind you, "did you miss me?" 
"Of course I did." You chuckle, a smile on your face as he comes into view.
You always did like the over the top ring gear.

"Are you ready?" He asks. 
"I am." You reply, grabbing your jacket.

You weren't in your ring gear but that was fine as you weren't getting in the ring, the clothes you wear now will do just fine.
After all, comfortable and stylish clothes mean you're always prepared to be seen.

With the final addition of your jacket, one you were given by your brothers as an induction to the Hart foundation, you're completely ready to go.
"Good because it's time to go." He takes your hand and pulls you up, catching you in his arms. 

The two of you laugh as you race hand in hand to the gorilla, ending up arriving early. 
"Are you still wanting to do this?" He asks. 
"I am, Shawn." He grins, his smile perfect as always. 

"Lets go then." He says, being given the signal to head out. 
With no plan at all you freeze, unsure of what to do.
Realising this Shawn grabs your hand, pulling you with him out of the curtain.

You're out on the stage hand in hand with Shawn before you have time to overthink what you're doing.
You're no stranger to the stage but.. you're out here.. with Shawn Michael's.

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