Kane - Secret Admirer (1)

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A mystery admirer keeps leaving flowers in your dressing room, along with little notes.
This time you find a whole bunch of flowers, and a trail of notes leads you to the answer.

"Every show for the past month there's been one, but from who?" you say to yourself, unlocking the door to your private dressing room.

You had been to catering for a snack and you had had a small talk with Edge and Christian about their match coming up before returning.
You hadn't been any longer than fifteen minutes, you hadn't planned to be any longer than ten knowing someone keeps getting into your room.
You just hadn't been able to help but talk to the two dorks you had debuted with.

On the way back to your dressing room you had began to think about the flowers that had been left in your room, blood red roses, one every show with a short but sweet note attached to the stem.

They never lasted the trip and so your "secret admirer", as you like to call them, would always leave you another.
You turn on the light, not noticing anything different on the bench or the floor, no flower left there for you to find.

You sigh in relief knowing no one has touched any of your stuff, and so you turn around and take a seat on the wooden bench.
A knock on the door startles you, bringing you back to reality.

You had been daydreaming about who it may be, but you couldn't put a face to it.
Everyone you could think of you had seen or you had been with at the time of you being away from your assigned room, and you didn't know anyone with a key.

For now you push your thoughts aside, walking to the door and opening it, finding no one stood there.
As you begin to close the door you notice on the floor is a whole bouquet of red and black roses.
You bend down to pick them up, checking the hall either way, trying to catch whoever it is that keeps leaving you things, but there is only you in the vicinity.

You pick up the flowers, seeing a note attached.
You open it with caution, and are met with the very same handwriting as before.

It reads "Y/n, every show for the past month I have left you a rose, It's time to own up to you who I am. Chris Jericho has the answer" You place the flowers down, running out of the room, leaving the door wide open behind you.

You sprint down the hall, through catering and all the way to the other side of the arena to Chris Jericho's locker room.
You knock on the door and walk straight in.

Chris shrieks and you cover your eyes, the man before you wearing nothing at all.
"Cover yourself up Jericho" you say, hiding behind your hands.
"Okay, done" you move your hands from your eyes to see Chris Jericho in only a towel.

"I got a note, it said you have the answer. I have to know what it is" you rush and Chris walks towards you. You look away, not wanting any trouble from him.

He hands you another note, "I was told to give this to you" he says, and you nod, taking it out of his hands.
"By who?" you ask. He shrugs.
I don't know, I didn't see his face" You shake your head opening the note. "Two high flying brothers from North Carolina have the next clue" Jericho voices the letter beside you.

"The Hardys" you whisper.
"What?" Chris asks.
"The Hardys" you repeat "Thank you Jericho" you say, sprinting out of the room.

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