Dean Ambrose - Lost

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When a certain Dolph Ziggler refuses to leave you alone you become incredibly greatful to have three brothers who will come find you when you're late.

"Listen, I'm just arriving at the arena now."
"You should have been here fifteen minutes ago" Dean shouts down the phone.

When will he learn the speaker can still pick him up if it's not right next to his mouth?
"I can't help that there was a crash after you left. Now, I'm getting out now. I'll be there shortly guys. I won't be any longer than five minutes, I promise"

"Alright, just make sure you're no longer than that. If you are we'll-"
"Come find me" you chuckle, cutting Roman off. "Now let me go so I can grab all my stuff"
"Alright" Roman replies "see you soon"

You smile, although he can't see that, being on the other end of the phone and all.
"See you soon"

The phone call ends and you open the car door.
You grab your phone from the hands-free mount and slide it into your back pocket, shutting the door quietly behind you before grabbing your stuff from the trunk.

Sure you only have two bags, but you're travelling with the boys from now on so you can't leave them in a separate vehicle.
That has happened before and it was not fun.

You lock the car before proceeding to enter the arena.
It's a few hours before the show so it's only employee's in the entire arena, which isn't many when compared to the amount of fans it holds.

That's also why you don't understand them freaking out because you're a little late, the show isn't anywhere near starting.

You pull your suitcase behind you as you attempt to find your way to the locker room housing your brothers, turning corner after corner.
They really ought to have given you a map or something.

"You look lost"
"I am lost" you reply, attempting to put a face to the voice.
"Where's a pretty girl like you trying to get to?" He asks.
"The Shield's locker room" you reply, still into the darkness.

You grow more and more aware as the seconds tick by. Do they really want to help you?
"And why would you want to go there?" They ask.

You have the sudden urge to turn around and decide to act on it, a tanned blonde man leaning a little too close for comfort.

"Because that's where I was told to meet them" you state, taking a step back from the stranger.
"Oh. I know who you are" he smirks. You cringe internally, please don't let him hit on you "the Shield's hot female friend"
The internal cringe becomes external cringe.

"Yeah sure. That's me. If you're not going to point me in the right direction I'll find it myself" you turn back around, not even taking two steps before he's in front of you again.

"Woah, where do you think you're going? We barely even know each other" you bite the inside of your lip, drawing in a deep, impatient breath.
He's really doing this.

"And it's going to stay that way" you respond, trying to sound as bored as possible.
For too long you've been stuck here with him, the few minutes seems like forever.
You could have found the locker room yourself by now.

"Ouch, that really hurts" he frowns, placing one hand over his heart.
"Yeah well so does being here with you" the roll of your eyes sells the line, leaving him more hurt than possibly ever by the look on his face.

You go to push around him but he sticks his arm out in front of you.
"Just let me leave" you sigh. His persistence is a pain, just like his presence.
You don't even know his name and he's here trying to get a kiss or something.
At this rate he's going to get a kick between the legs.

"Not until I get your number" he grins.
You cringe again, why do some people have to be like this? If he would just leave it your day would be so much better.

"You're not getting her number, Ziggler" a deep voice booms.
You can feel their presence behind you, seeming to appear out of nowhere.
You know how they're stood, Roman stands behind you, the tallest of the three, Dean to your left and Seth to your right.

"Woah guys, I was just joking" he tries to laugh, but none of your brothers laugh with him.
"It doesn't seem like you were joking" Seth states.
"No, it doesn't" Dean steps between you and Ziggler as he was called.

The three of them surround you, and the other guy starts to move backwards.
His hands are up in defence and suddenly he doesn't look so cocky.

"You think it's funny to flirt with someone who doesn't want you to flirt with them, and refuse to help them?" Dean asks, taking a step closer to the other man.
"No. No it wasn't cool I won't do it again"
"I'm not sure that's good enough" Dean rolls his shoulders.

"Dean" you call, you don't need a fight on your hands. But he steps closer. "Dean!" His head whips around, intentions clear on his face. "Enough."

Dean slowly turns his head back to face Dolph. "You got lucky this time, buddy, but if I catch you again and without someone to stop me I'll make sure you never show the world anything ever again"

You say nothing as Dean storms past him.
"Well, at least we didn't have to pull him off like last time" Seth shrugs.
"What a mess that was" Roman chuckles.

You look between the two of them, but don't ask.
You don't need, or want, to know some of the things your brothers have gotten up to.

"Let's go guys, before Dean finds someone else to take his anger out on while we're not around"
"Good idea" Seth nods, agreeing with Roman.

And just like that everything is resolved, and life is how it should be.
Dean's rampaging about something that has been resolved, Seth and Roman are chasing after him making sure no one gets hurt.

And you?
You're just happy to be back with the guys who became your brothers.

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