Edge - Ambush

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Edge has many enemies. You just didn't expect one to be lurking in the shadows of the locker room.


You smile at yourself in the mirror, your new look adding that bit of extra sparkle.
"You look great, babe" Edge grins.

"Thanks, so do you" the two of you stand there smiling like idiots in the mirror.
"So you like the colours?" He asks. You turn and look at him, "of course. You know red is my favourite"

"I got you one last thing" he reaches into the pocket of his coat, pulling out a box that barely fit into the pocket space he had, and that was quite something considering the size of his pockets.

You can't help but think the struggle it must have been to get it in there in the first place.
The box is black velvet, and you wonder what exactly could be in it.
But you don't have to wonder for long.
He opens it and inside there is a beautiful necklace.

"It's silver, with the highest quality diamond. You'll have nothing but the best" you hold back tears, and he flashes you his perfect smile.

"It's beautiful" you whisper, "although perhaps we should keep it in the box for now" you place one hand on the lid, ready to close it.
"Nonsense. It'll look great. Now, turn around" you blush, turning to face the mirror once more.

You giggle as he fumbles with the small chain, and then the even smaller clasp.
But he does eventually get it attached.

"Tonight you'll shine that little bit extra, after all it is date night" you smile, he does this every time.
He goes out and buys something expensive for date night.

It doesn't come around often, only a few times a year, but he knows how to make you feel even more special than normal.

"I didn't think it was possible but you're more divine than before. Unfortunately, I have to go hand in those posters. You stay here and look pretty, I'll be back soon" he places a kiss on your lips.

"Alright, don't be long" you say, pulling him in for another short yet sweet kiss.
"I won't be" he picks up the box of signed posters, winking and blowing you a kiss before he leaves the room.

"And here I was thinking he was never going to leave" you look in the mirror, a figure appearing from a dark corner of the room.
He walks forward, and at first you don't recognise him. You're not used to seeing him in his regular clothes.

After all, you don't really see him outside of the ring, as you don't see many superstars in ordinary clothing.
"Get out" you demand. You know why he's here, "I won't have this. Get out" he gives you a dangerous look and you move toward the door.
If he won't leave you will.

But he leaps in front of it before you touch the handle.
"Leaving so soon?" He asks. You frown, and he smirks at your obvious discomfort.
"You don't want to do this" you state, backing off, but he follows.
Too naïve to see through his haze of anger.

You know full well this is a mistake on his part. There are other ways to get back at someone, like by not attacking their woman. Or by calling them out. Leaving a message perhaps.
Not sneaking into the locker room while they're not there with the intent of doing damage.

But no. Some people are too stubborn to see that there is better ways to do things than to just.. be. Well. Rude about it.
"Edge will face me. I don't care how many times he has said I'm nothing and he doesn't care to fight me. But this will show him" you dodge his first punch, but almost run into his second.

Your arm goes straight into the mirror, and it shatters into thousands of tiny pieces, a few scraping your skin.
Luckily it feels as if none have done anything more than a small cut.

You turn your head to look at your wounds and sure enough you've dodged a bullet.
Sure you're bleeding, but nowhere near enough for it to be cause for concern.

You walk away from the mirror with care not to step on any of the pieces, although you have shoes on you would still rather not.
You don't look up, too focused on what you're doing, and that becomes evident as a mistake as you are knocked to the floor.

He crouches down.
"You tell Edge he faces me. And if you don't.. I'll be back to finish you off"

You don't reply, stunned that he dared to hit you in the face.
He gets up and leaves the room and you shuffle to be sat, back leant against the wall.

You feel your face for injuries but feel fine, you were more caught off guard than anything.
You sigh, leaning your head against the wall.
What a mess.

"Y/n are you alright?" Edge's worried voice calls.
"Yeah" you reply, your eyes meeting his. "I could do with a little help though" you extend your not injured arm, and he pulls you to your feet.
He wraps his arms around you, careful not to touch your bloodied arm and you take in a deep breath.

"You're a mess" he states, giving you a once over. "What happened, I wasn't gone long"
"How about we get my arm sorted out, and while we do that I'll fill you in" he nods.
"Alright. Just tell me this at least, was it who I think it was?" You nod.

"The one and only" Edge frowns, and you pull him close once more.
"I'll kill him" Edge growls.

"Go for it. He could have killed me. I won't be the one to tell you no" with that he places his hand on your lower back and guides you out of the room.

"To the medic" he states, "then once you're patched up we're leaving. After all, we have a date tonight" you smile.
After everything that has happened in the past 10 minutes his main priority is still you and your date night with him. How cute.

"I can't wait"

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