Kane - Chosen

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At Bad Blood Shawn is losing to the Undertaker, until a certain someone turns up.
And that certain someone takes a liking to non other than yourself.

You watch in horror, stood down by the ring, leaning on the apron as your partner in the ring Shawn helps himself stand using the ropes.

Behind him Undertaker raises the chair high above his head and right as Shawn turns around Taker hits Shawn on his already bloodied head.
Shawn falls to the ground beside you and you watch as Taker throws the chair down.

He drags he thumb across his throat, signaling through the locked steel cage to the crowd that he is about to finish Shawn off.
He turns back to face Shawn, stepping forwards.

The whole arena turns pitch black, and you can's see a thing.
A theme you've never heard starts up, and you climb carefully onto the apron, slipping through the ropes.

The lights come on, but only red ones, as you kneel besides Shawn's bloody body, Undertaker merely glancing at you as you check over Shawn, too busy watching Paul walk towards the ring, a tall figure dressed in both red and black just in front of the short, fat man.
The two of them stalk towards the ring, pyrotechnics going off behind them.

Paul looks overjoyed as he walks behind the man, and you can't help but feel like this is a bad thing.
If this is who you think it is everything has to potential to go downhill very, very quickly.

You look up at Taker, who is staring in disbelief at the man who has walked to the ring with Paul, and you look back at the new man.
He takes one final step towards the cage and you sigh in relief as he glances at the locked door.

You stand up, staying beside Shawn, not wanting him to get any more injured than he already is.
After all, if this man can't get in Shawn is going to be pinned and hopefully harmed no longer.

Kane, your presume him to be, reaches forwards and grabs the door, pulling it off of its hinges.

Undertaker pushes you backwards, and you end up leaning against the ropes, watching, half curious, half terrified as this man throws a referee to the ground and gets in the ring.
He stands in front of Undertaker, only a fraction taller than the Phenom, the two of them practically toe to toe, staring each other deep in the eyes.

"It's him" you mutter quietly, knowing already it is, with no doubt what so ever, Kane. The one Paul has been speaking of for months.
You glance at Shawn's fallen body, but you find yourself looking once again at the two men in the center of the ring.

Kane lifts his arms slowly above his head before slamming them back down to his sides.
You let out a scream as fire erupts from the ring posts, getting out of the ring as quickly as possible.
You make a break for the door but are caught by Paul, who grasps your arm tightly.

Kane kicks the Undertaker in the stomach, lifting him.
Kane positions Taker for the tombstone, and executes it perfectly.
He looks down at his brother, not even bothering to even glance at Shawn, before exiting the ring.

He looks at Paul, then you, reaching out.
You try and move away but Paul's grip is painfully tight and you can't help but whimper at the pain.
Kane grabs Paul's wrist, yanking his hand from your arm and pushing him away.

You take a few steps back, the steel cage preventing you from going any further, Kane follows, standing over you.
You look away from him, and he simply tilts his head.
He reaches out with his un-gloved hand, gently stroking your hair.

You hear the bell ring and Shawn's theme start up.
As it does Kane's hand disappears from your hair and you look up to see him leaving, Paul laughing to himself, pointing at you.
"He's chosen you!" Paul screeches, but you barely hear him for Shawn's theme and the crowd roaring.

You shake your head, clearing your mind before sliding back into the ring and helping Shawn to his feet.
"You need a medic" you whisper and he nods.
"You're coming with me, no way I'm leaving you unattended with that.. monster on the loose" you nod in agreement, humming quietly.

You decide not to tell Shawn about what happened while he was pinning Undertaker, deciding it will be better if you deal with this on your own.
After all, Paul did say it was you that has been chosen, not Shawn.

---------------------Time Skip---------------------

It's been two weeks since Bad Blood, and you've yet to have another encounter with Kane.
Shawn has left you with Triple H for the time being, that way while he's not in he knows your safe.

Undertaker had contacted you the day after, telling you it was indeed Kane who you had come into contact with, and that you were not to be alone at all.
He had made you promise that you would keep at least one person by you at all times, not wanting you to be mixed up with his younger half brother again.

You sit in the dressing room of Triple H, waiting patiently for him to bring you a bottle of water, but he has yet to return.
He said you'd be fine by yourself for a few minutes, but it's been 10 and you're beginning to get worried.
You put your head in your hands and close your eyes, wishing he hadn't left you alone.

You sigh and open your eyes a moment later, screaming at the sight of the man in red.
He gazes at you in the same way he had done at Bad Blood, tilting his head to the side.
You sit now in silence, staring at him.
You daren't move. You daren't speak, simply sitting and staring.

"He has chosen you" Paul walks into your line of sight, "He has chosen you of all others, why?" Paul asks.
You don't reply, you don't even look in his direction as he waits for an answer.
"Come Kane, the others are on their way back" Kane rises to stands, not taking his eyes off of you.
You sit and wait for them to leave, not moving your eyes from where they were a moment ago.

"Y/n, are you alright" you jump at the sound of Hunter's voice, nodding your head.
"I'm fine" you manage to get out, but every hair on your body is stood on end.

The image of Kane's masked face is burned into your mind, and you still feel scared but there is something else.
"Are you sure? You seem kind of tense" You open your mouth to speak, but close it abruptly afterwards.

Hunter doesn't need to know, he'll only go and attack Kane, and what has he really done wrong?
He's only curious.

You shake your head, why would you think a thing like that? He came in here of his own accord and sat staring at you.
And now you're protecting him, and you're not even sure why.

All he's done is distract you since Bad Blood, you haven't been able to get him out of your head, and you don't know if it's because you're scared or if it is something else.

You hope it's just because you're scared.
But you can't say for sure.

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