Kane - No More Pain

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Some things in the company are not right, and for the sake of your brother, Christian, you decide it's time to call them out.


"I've come out here to address one major problem right now. And that problem is The Undertaker" The crowd cheers, too much has been going on lately with too little explanation, and you're going to give them answers.
"You see, him and his little group of buddies seem to think that they can get way with anything. Well, Undertaker, news flash. You can't. I don't know where abouts on the spectrum of psychopathy you are but to me and apparently most others this is a delusional game that has gone too far" the crowd cheers once more.

It's no secret that Undertaker has gone mad, he thinks he's the Lord of Darkness, and for some reason smaller groups are believing and joining him, some willingly, some not.

Every week that passes the Ministry Of Darkness gets bigger, only increasing the delusion in his mind.

A bell toll sends a shiver down your spine and soon enough the ministry come out and make their way down the ramp, Undertaker behind them, Paul by his side as per usual.
Quickly they surround the ring, leaving you with no escape route from Undertaker as he makes his way up the steel stairs and into the squared circle.

"A game gone too far, does this look like a game to you?" Undertaker asks, gesturing to the members of the ministry, but his eyes remain on you, "This isn't a game, Y/n , this is the dawning of a new era" you let out a small laugh at his courage.

"Like hell" you say, diving forwards to hit him, but you don't make it too far, a familiar pair of hands grabbing you around the waist.

The hands belong to your brother, Christian, a man you care very much about.
Since he joined the ministry you have noticed a change, he's much more distant with you.

You wish he wasn't, you want your brother back, but he won't listen to you.
"Get off of me Christian, he deserves it!" you yell, but your brothers vice-like grip doesn't loosen.

You struggle in his arms, but all Christian does is change the way he is holding you.
Instead of having his arms around you he takes a hold of your arms and pins them behind your back.

"Come on Christian, I'm your sister!" you shout, sharply kicking him in the shin.
Christian takes in a sudden breath at the pain but try as you might his hold on you doesn't let up.

"You deserve so much more than this, but you've really shown your true colours, haven't you? Hurting your own flesh and blood." Undertaker steps backwards, "I think I'll let the ministry have you first, and then once you're too exhausted to fight back I'll have my fun" you shake your head, only now realising that the whole ministry is in the ring.

You can hear the Undertakers demonic laugh as he exits the ring, finally signaling for your brother to let go of you.
Feeling his grip no longer there you run to the ropes, attempting your escape but it's no use.
The ministry already has you.

It doesn't take them long to have you down on the ground, writhing in pain, Undertakers laugh echoing in your head, like a broken record.
You thought they'd go easy on you. You were oh so wrong.

Undertaker now stands above you, looking down.
He kneels, reaching out to touch you, but his hand is stopped as his attention is moved elsewhere.

You cannot see what is happening, but you can hear the punches being thrown.
Undertaker stands, exiting the ring at the opposite side of the squared circle to where the chaos is happening, leaving you laid on your side.

He glances at you as he walks by, narrowly evading the commotion as Mideon is thrown against the barricade.

Slowly you push yourself up, clawing you way to the edge of the mat.
You roll under the bottom rope, rolling slightly too far and falling off of the apron.
Your body hits the floor with a thud and you groan in pain, clutching your side.

In a desperate attempt to leave you push yourself up onto your hands and knees, only to find your arms unable to hold you up.

As you stare into the lights above you, you find yourself thinking about how your impending doom looms overhead a pair of feet stops by you.
Your eyes follow the boots upwards, your eyes meeting those belonging to Undertaker's younger brother.

"Kane?" your voice is quiet and he tilts his head, as if questioning you using his name.

He bends down, picking you up with ease and cradling you in his arms.
You rest your head on his chest as he carries you up the ramp, away from the ring and away from the ministry.

All the while the arena lays in silence, watching with questioning expressions as to why Kane had come out and saved you in the first place, let alone carried you backstage to safety.

Those questions and more are all that you can think of as he enters the medical room, placing you gently down on the chair.
You watch as he stands and turns, hand reaching out for the door handle.

"Stay" his hand lingers on the metal, and he doesn't respond, simply standing there. "Please?" you hear him take a deep breath in and sure enough his hand drops to be down by his side.

Kane takes the seat next to you, and you shift, moving so your head rests upon his shoulder.
You embrace the movement, not too sure what to think.

Kane had, for the most part, only shown anger towards most, and anyone else got nothing at all.
But now, all of a sudden there is this whole new side to Kane everyone has seen, this.. affection.

You don't know what to think of it, but you're happy he came down and stopped whatever plans his older brother had for you, something you dread even thinking about.

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