Dean Ambrose - Sorry, I'm Taken

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Seth's been after you for quite some time, but what he doesn't know is that you're already taken.

"Look you can attack him when I give you the signal, but until then you stay on the down low so the surprise works, okay?" Dean scowls.
"I don't want him near you" He crosses his arms and you sigh.

Ever since Seth started showing interest in you Dean's been on edge, thinking you might, for some strange twisted reason, leave him for the sell out of the century.

Despite all your reassurance he doesn't believe you, instead choosing to believe Seth instead when he speaks about you being his girl and how he will have you no matter what it takes.

You know you'd never, ever even dream of it.
If you didn't want to before you definitely don't want to now knowing his tenancies to stab people close to him in the back.

"It's not like he's going to do much, he won't have the chance, and if he does lay as much of a finger on me, well it's all the more incentive for you to beat the crap out of him, isn't it" He nods once and you smile, knowing he'll enjoy doing to Seth what the sell-out did to him. "I'll see you soon" you say, offering a small smile as you walk out of the room, closing the door behind you.

It doesn't take you long to locate the man who's been chasing after you, and you opt to stay out of sight for a few minutes, coming to your senses about the situations and reminding yourself of the plan.

"Hello gorgeous" You roll your eyes as you walk past the likes of Seth Rollins, the one, the only Seth Rollins.
The man that stabbed his brothers in the back for a pay check and a chance to look better than everyone else.

Problem is, he to you and most others looks like a prick.
You were close with the half blonde until he betrayed his brothers, and ever since he's been trying to get you on his arm, but you've not been having any of it.

Unbeknownst to Seth, and most of the people the company, you've been dating none other than Dean Ambrose, and that you're going to use to your advantage, tonight.

"Come on then Rollins, come get me" you shout as you round the corner, breaking from a walk into a sprint so he has to catch up.
A mischievous grin rests on your face as your theme plays right as you get to the gorilla, and you run straight out.

You're met with the cheering of the WWE Universe as you jog down to the ring, climbing up the steel stairs and entering through the top and middle ropes.

You make short work of posing on the turnbuckles, allowing fans to take pictures if they so desire, your fans matter to you.

As a woman in the WWE you're all up for changing the looks of the women's division, wearing ripped black skinny jeans, a baggy, off the shoulder top and fishnet gloves you take the less traditional look of ring gear, although when you do wrestle you tend to wear leggings instead of jeans as there's less chance them ripping.

You walk over to the side of the ring where your good friend Brian hands you a microphone.
You thank him quickly before turning your attention back to the titantron, where Seth Rollins walks out, eyes fixated on you.
You watch as he walks towards you, theme blaring in the background.

Seth smirks at you as he stands in the ring and you roll your eyes, sticking your tongue out as he turns to get a microphone.

The crowd laughs at your heel behaviour, both you and Seth being heels, but he chooses to play on it more while you prefer to blur the lines between heel and face, always leaving the WWE universe to wonder.

"Afternoon Rollins" you say as he comes to face you. He scowls at the sarcastic tone in your voice, and you just smile at him.
He snatches his own microphone from Brian, turning straight back to you.

"That wasn't very polite of you, was it now Seth?" Seth narrows his eyes at you and you smile at him.

"Let's stop with the small talk and get straight to the point" you give Seth a questioning look, but you already know what he's going to say. "We could do something great with this company" You raise an eyebrow at him.

"We?" You press, Seth nods.
"We. Me, you." Seth points between him and yourself, "The two of us could do something spectacular. Think about it, the best superstar and the best diva, together, think of the things we can achieve" Your eye twitches at the word diva.
You hate it.

Men get to be superstars and you get to be a diva? If you weren't a fan of the man before you definitely aren't a fan of him now.

You pause for a second, a smile appearing on your face as your eyes catch sight of a certain someone behind him.
Seth steps forwards, not noticing the small movements coming from the other man in the ring.

"So, how about it Y/n?" You nod and Seth falls to the floor, a smile not even managing to make its way onto the face of the ex-architect of the shield.

He lays at your feet, and you look down at him with fake empathy in your eyes.
The chair is thrown beside his head and you look up at Dean.

You hold out the microphone so he can speak.
"Seth, Y/n is destined for greatness, but" Dean looks around, drawing out the word, "not with you."

You grin, "You heard it here people" you say, throwing the microphone to the edge of the ring so it can be collected.

Dean helps you out of the ring and the two of you walk backwards up the ramp.
Once you reach the stage you see Seth's head raise and he looks at the two of you.
Even from afar you can see the glare aimed at Dean as he throws his arm lazily over your shoulders, a grin rested on his features.

He turns his head a little, "Now everybody, especially Seth, knows you are mine"
"I wouldn't have it any other way Ambrose."

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