Undertaker - His Queen

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It's rare you show yourself without the protection of the Ministry, and there's a good reason why.

For the first time in a long time you're out in the ring alone.
Tonight you have come to address the crowd of the Ministry's plan, while everyone else is preoccupied with plans for this weekend's pay-per-view.

You know you've taken your chances coming out here without any protection, no Acolytes, not even Mideon, after all, your betrothed has many enemies.
But you know you're safe.

"There are few of you who will understand my words, few of you that will see the bigger picture. I see it. He sees it. And it is almost time. With the Royal Rumble drawing near we have chosen our next sacrifice" you hear a few cheers, but for the most part only mutters can be heard.

You keep your eyes fixed on the camera, your face devoid of much emotion. "Silence shows your difficulty to understand, but in time you too will see this vision. And if you fail to open your eyes, and give yourself to the darkness, well. Let's just say it's a shame to waste all that potential"

"A shame to waste the potential? What are you talking about? Are you threatening us?" You turn to face the stage.
A scowl falls across your features as Big Show enters your line of sight, a frown on his face as he slowly makes his way to the ring.

"Well yes, what else would I be doing?" You say bluntly, averting your attention back to the audience. "The ministry is rising, and with it comes the eternal gloom of the underworld, there is no escape. Only a choice"

You feel the ring being disturbed, someone else entering.
The scowl fading into a simply pissed off look.

"Don't listen to her. You all know the truth. You know what The Undertaker has done to this poor woman" you raise a questioning eyebrow at the taller man as he lifts his leg over the top rope, gesturing to you with the microphone. "She's been brainwashed, like Dennis Knight."

"First. I have a name, Y/n if you forgot. Second, you are to address him as the Lord Of Darkness, third and finally, I have not been brainwashed in any way shape or form" you state, leaning against the ropes.

"You see, brainwashed. He is The Undertaker, not some Lord of whatever. I think you need help" he takes a step toward you.

"Uh oh, don't even think about it, Show" you side-step the giant, not about to be in the hands of someone who doesn't support your ways.
After all, that could leave you in the hands of The Corporation, and therefore the hands of Shane McMahon.

"You have a serious problem, Y/n. I get that you were engaged before all of this but it's madness. He's crazy and he's brainwashed you. You're not leaving this ring unless it's with me." You cross your arms, allowing him to stand over you.

Fear doesn't even cross your mind, after all, you do spend your time with the Ministry.
You don't back away, but you don't advance either, instead opting to stare into his soul.

"Listen, Show. I don't need mental help, or any help from you. I'm not going anywhere, not with you or anyone else, the only exception being the Ministry. I suggest you leave the ring before someone gets hurt" you say, a dark tone making itself clear in your voice.
Big Show chuckles.

As if in slow motion you see his hand reach out to grab your arm, his fingers barely grazing your skin before the lights cut out, darkness swallowing the pair of you.
You feel his hand wrap around your upper arm, as if to try and keep you both out of harms way.

"I suggest, if you want to keep that arm, you let go" His voice is all too familiar, a wicked glint in your eye for the world to see as the deep purple lights barely illuminate the ring.
"You've brainwashed this woman. This game of yours has gone too far"

"This is no game. You know this, Show. I'm disappointing in you for not joining us. But, I suppose, some souls cannot be saved" His tone mocks the Big Show, who had refused to join the Ministry when asked.

Silently you watch as Farooq and Bradshaw creep into the ring, unbeknownst to a distracted Big Show.

You can hear the Lord Of Darkness walking towards the ring.
You cannot see him, but you don't need to in order to know the plan.
"As I said, let go" you hear Big Show grunt, but do it anyway, the threats too much for him to handle.

You quickly duck, the Acolytes sprinting in your direction almost catching you out. But their stunt works, Big Show flipping over the top rope and landing at the floor by 'Taker's feet.

You roll under the bottom rope, sitting on the apron as the Lord Of Darkness addresses the WWE.
"The next time anyone touches Y/n, well. They won't get let off so easily." The Dark Lord drops his mic and offers you his hand, which you take, thanking him with a curt nod.

You step over the body, not even glancing at it. "Are you okay, my Queen?" He asks quietly.

"No harm done. I would have been fine." You state, trying to be quiet. You bite your tongue in order to stop yourself from creating a dispute.

"He's a lot bigger than you, I'd rather not take my chances. He would have turned straight to Shane"
"He wouldn't have gotten that far. You wouldn't let him" Undertaker shakes his head.
"Of course not. Now, shall we leave?" You hold up your hand, silently telling him to wait.

You turn and crouch by Big Show, who is finally piecing together how he ended up on the floor.
You take the microphone from beside you, lifting in to your lips. "I told you somebody would get hurt. Do take me seriously next time." You gently place the microphone back down, standing.

"Now that's over, yes. I think it's time we leave before either he gets up or the Corporation find out what we did" You smirk, and see the hint of amusement hidden in his features.

You take his arm, the Acolytes following closely behind as you meet the rest of the ministry on the stage.

A few more steps and the faction is hidden from sight, allowing the six of you to sneak away, readying yourself for the next sacrifice in only a few days time. 

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