Dean Ambrose - Rule Breaker

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You've been told not to leave the locker room with you being injured.. but you find yourself unable to follow that one simple rule.

You eagerly watch the screen as Dean makes his entrance.
You long to be out there but you're just not allowed.

You thought you would have been fine, sure you ended up with a sprained ankle last week but it's not like you were going to be getting in the ring.

You had simply taken a step wrong in the gym and that had been that.
It was far from a serious sprain and although you have been cleared to stand at ringside Dean wasn't having that.

"It's too likely you'll get injured out there" Dean had argued, forcing you to sit in the locker room and stay there.
So here you are.
Sat in the locker room.
Boredom is beginning to become an issue, he's not let you do much of anything all week.

You've just been sat doing a whole lot of nothing. Maybe staring at a wall, often watching the world go by out of various windows.
Dean has not let you lift a finger all week.

Although you can understand why he's being so protective you also know your body.
And it's doing a lot better.
Plus, you were told you should get up and use it, you just have to make sire to take precautions and not do anything too strenuous.

You push yourself up off of the chair.
"This is what's good for me to heal." You state.
You take a few comfortable steps forward, shrugging and deciding to walk around the room for a short while.
But sure enough you quickly grow bored.

If you just take a little walk you'll be fine. Right?
What Dean doesn't know won't hurt him.
You slowly open the door, glancing back at the screen.
The match is far from over, and you give yourself around five minutes before the match even begins to come to a close.

Despite being almost fully healed, it was only a light sprain after all, you take your time.
You don't want to accidentally make it worse by slipping or tripping. Not to mention it's peaceful, and nice to get around for once without Dean looming over your shoulder, stressed that you're going to hurt yourself.

There isn't many people around at this time, with it being one of the last matches of the show. Many have headed elsewhere.
You smile to yourself. This has been nice.

You turn to head back the way you came, after all the match is likely going to end soon and if you're not back and sat down you're sure to be scolded.

As you turn you take an involuntary step back, coming face to face with someone that has been causing a few problems for Dean.
Finn Balor.

He has a smirk on his face, and he looks around you first, his eyes then moving to study you.
He seems all too happy to have found you alone, but you're not the one that he has an issue with.
You hold your breath, his eyes lingering on your ankle.

There is no running. You've been told no running for some time.
"Finn, your problems aren't with me, they're with Dean" you attempt to sway him but his eyes become locked with yours.
In them a dark and dangerous fire burns and not a moment later he snaps.

He lunges at you, but you don't move. You can't risk it with your ankle.
You swing to punch, but miss, ending up agaisnt the wall.
Finn looms over you, trapping you against the wall and l eans in close.

"My loss was as much your fault as it was his"
You block his hits as best you can, but he still lands a few of them.
"Finn" you plead, blocking your face.

A shadow appears behind Finn, ripping him away from you. You remain in a defensive position, not wanting to be caught in the middle of the ruckus before you.

You peek out from behind your arms to see Finn laid out on the floor.
"That's what you get you filthy scumbag" you let out a sigh of relief at the sound of Dean's voice.
You let your arms fall to your sides, now choosing to look at Dean.
"Thank you" you say.

He rolls his eyes, moving towards you suddenly. With one swift motion he has you in his arms.
He holds you close to him, heat radiating from his body. You rest your head against him, glad to feel safe again.

"Have you learnt your lesson?" He asks, taking a step towards the locker room.
You nod, "I have, have you learnt yours?"

He looks down at you, "I have"
"Good." You grin up at him and he chuckles, shaking his head. "What?" You ask.
"Nothing" he states.
You frown, "doesn't seem like nothing."

Dean stops, placing you carefully on your feet outside the door to the locker room.
"It's just that I think it's funny that someone who thinks so highly of themselves can't even take the fight to the right person."

You shake your head at his words. "You make it sound like you want a fight with him, Ambrose."
"I do now, for sure. He attacked my girl. You and I both know that you can't have that." He places a gentle kiss atop your head, smirking as he opens the door.

"I suppose not, but surely you got it out of your system?" You question. He laughs. "I'm serious!" You exclaim.

"I know, that's what's funny." You roll your eyes, suppressing a laugh. "Got it out of my system. You really are funny."
"You're funny too, I mean, who calls someone a 'filthy scumbag'?" He frowns, but laughs anyway.

"I do." He says proudly, picking up the few bags that weren't put in the car before the match.
"I'll carry something Dean." You hold out your hand but he moves the bags away.

"No you won't, you need to rest. Now, lets get out of here." You raise your eyebrow, but shrug, after all not carrying one bag isn't going to change much.

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