Undertaker - Cocky

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Interefering at the wrong time gets you in a whole lot of trouble.
A whole of trouble which leads to quite the opportunity.


You watch from the gorilla as the Undertaker continues to annihilate your partner, Raven.

The match hasn't been going on for very long, and you don't think it will go on for much longer with the way Raven is looking, and so you decide that now is the time to go give him a hand.

Silently you creep out onto the main stage, catching sight of Undertaker recovering from having his head slammed into the ring post, dodging Ravens next attack and forcing Ravens head into the barricade.

You wince, breaking into a jog and making your way towards the pair.

You manage to get to them once they are by the announcers table, Undertaker still dominating the match.

"HEY!" You shout as Undertaker runs Raven into the ring post.

Undertaker drops Raven and turns his attention you to.

"Get out of here" he demands.

You shake your head, glancing at Raven who hasn't moved.

"I said get out of here" his voice is a low growl and you consider your options.

Help Raven or help yourself.

You decide it would be best if you were to help your partner rather than be the woman that walks away, so you find your voice.

"No" Undertaker takes a step towards you, and naturally you take one back.

"You better leave by yourself or else-"
"Or else what, deadman? You going to hit a woman?" You ask. You know taunting him won't land you any place good but what other choice do you have? Raven is barely up on his feet, let alone prepared to attack.

"No, I don't hit women, and you're damn lucky I don't. Get out of here before I make you" You walk backwards, Undertaker watching your every move.

You hold up your hands in surrender, Taker finally turning his attention back to Raven, who still doesn't know what he's doing.

You walk over to the announcers table, pulling the spare chair towards you, picking it up. 

You fold the chair, trying to be as quiet as possible as you sneak over to a preoccupied Undertaker.

You raise the chair high, ready to strike him in the back, when he turns around, anger immediately appearing in his eyes.

He snatches the chair from your hands, using it to crack Raven in the spine before throwing it to the ground.

Undertaker once more turns his attention to you, and you now decide to go the opposite direction, walking backwards as fast as you can, determined to escape the grasp of the phenom if you can.

But you find he is faster than you, catching up with ease. You go to turn around and run but he already has a hold of you, your hair wrapped around his hand.

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