Sting - You Love Saving Me

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Going to the ring with no backup was not your best idea.. but like every other time you just can't help yourself.

"Listen, boys, I don't know if this is necessary." You say, arms up in defense.
You're hoping it will work, you're hoping they'll back off and leave you alone.

"You think you're funny don't you?" The tallest says to you from behind.
You let out a nervous laugh, keeping your eyes on the guy in front of you.

"Well I just don't think it needs to go as far as you're making it seem like it does." You state, another desperate attempt to convince them.

"Oh, we think it needs to go that far after what you've done." The man in front of you almost snarls.
You're quite taken aback by it, but try not to let that show.
It certainly wasn't great to watch.

"I didn't do a whole lot." You shrug, it's not a complete lie.

"You come down here, trash talk us, and then you really think we're going to let you get away with all those insults?"

"Well I was kinda counting on it." You reply honestly.
Had you come down to the ring specifically to insult the pair of them? Yes.
Of course you had, it wasn't an opportunity you were going to pass up.

Had you expected them to be happy about it? No.
After all that was the point.

Do you expect to get off completely scott free?
Well you hope so, although as the seconds pass it becomes less and less likely that that is going to be the outcome.

You hadn't thought out an escape plan, an oversight on your part.
To be honest you hadn't thought it out at all. When the task presented itself to you it seemed like too much fun to say no.

Usually you would have backup, but your backup had been gone for weeks now and no one knew when he was going to return, not even you.

You knew it was probably not ideal to come out here without him present at the arena, but you were sure you could handle these two.
After all, it's not like they're much competition.. from what you've seen anyway.

It's no secret that the pair you've started on are disliked backstage, nor is it a secret that working here under your usual circumstances gives you the freedom to do what you like with little repercussion.
You'd seized the chance to get out to the ring, say some true things and make it seem kayfabe.

You just.. didn't think about what issues it might cause with you being alone.
Although now that's the only thing you can think of.

They had stormed down to the ring after a couple of minutes of you cracking more than a few jokes at their expense.
It's not your fault they're bad in the ring and worse on the mic.

"C'mon now, can't we all agree that this was a fun little joke?" You try again, but the unimpressed face of the guy in front of you answers before the guy behind does.

"Oh, well.. guess I'd better be off then." You state with a chuckle, but instead of moving to leave you send a punch directly into the face of the man in front of you.

He licks his clearly busted lip "You're going to pay for that!"

"I sure as hell hope not!" You say, ducking one hit from him and sidestepping straight into his buddy.
That's it.
You're done for.
Nowhere to run.
Well, there is.. you just can't run.

The guy holding you has a tight grip on your arm, keeping you in place while his teammate moves into position in front of you.
"Any last words?" He asks.

"Yeah, actually. That was a bad and cliché line and you shouldn't use it again.. while I'm at it-"
"Shut up!" He snaps, anger radiating from him as he prepares for his finishing move.

The lights cut off, the arena bursts into a loud cheer as white spotlights flash.

When they come on again fully there stands Sting, between you and the guy who was about to beat your ass for splitting open his lip.

"Listen man, I think we've come to a misunderstanding." He says, backing away, but Sting doesn't respond verbally.
He slowly reaches inside of his coat, pulling out the signature black bat.

"You know," Sting begins, "I don't think we have."
Before the guy has a chance to respond he's already been hit.
Another smack to the leg and he's on the mat.

With that one on his way out of the ring Sting turns his attention to you, or rather than man who still holds you.
The guy is quick to let go, rushing toward the ropes.

He's quick, but Sting is quicker. You cringe at the sound of the bat colliding with the man's back, but end up slightly disappointed when that's all he gets.

You watch the two of them scramble off before turning your attention to Sting.
He has the same idea, turning to face you at the same time.

"Thanks for saving me, stranger." You smirk. Sting takes a step toward you, your bodies almost touching.
"Three weeks and you've forgotten me already?" He asks, face straight.

"Forget you? Don't kid yourself Stinger. That's not a face I could forget, no matter how much you change it." Behind his stern look you see a hint of amusement.

"You never miss a trick, do you?" He asks, leaning closer.
You're always the first to notice slight changes in his face-paint, probably because of how often you see it.

"The only thing I miss is you." A smile now actually comes out as he leans closer, placing his hand on your waist.

"I miss you too, but I'm never gone for long. I keep coming back just for you. Every time I leave you get yourself into these situations and I just have to come save you."
"You love saving me." You grin.
"I love you." He whispers.

"I know, I love you too, although it's perhaps not best to continue this here." You wink, he rolls his eyes, stepping back.

Slowly he opens his coat again, placing the bat back in it's place.
"We better leave then." You smirk, exiting the ring and waiting for Sting to follow suit.

Three weeks is a long time to be without the man you both work with and otherwise live with.
You've missed him more than you imagined, although you always do.

The two of you pick up your things from backstage and head to the rental car, both wanting to make up for lost time.

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