Undertaker - Necrophobia (2)

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-- 3rd person POV --
"How do you feel about tonight, Kane?" The young man asks.
"It's not going to happen. The Undertaker is dead. I killed him."

"And what of Y/n?" The reporter asks. "The last time we saw her was two weeks ago, you bust the door down to the locker room and busted the camera"
"Lets just say I put her with my brother." Kane grunts.

"So you buried her?" Kane stares down at the man, leaning closer.
"You ask one more question and I'll show you what I did" with that the man scurries away, leaving Kane to his thoughts.
When she left Kane felt betrayed. Kane felt angry. And he had dwelled on his anger a while.

He saw her the next week, pendant around her neck, and he was overcome with that anger once more.
And this time he decided to act.

He'd silently followed her to the locker room she was sharing with a few of her friends, and to his surprise found she was alone.

He had locked the door, busting the camera before attacking.
And with that she was gone, no longer a worry to him.
There was no Paul Bearer.
No Y/n.
And no Undertaker.

Kane grunts to himself, slamming the door to his locker room.
How dare that reporter ask him about Y/n. That was none of his business.
The bench lets out a quiet creak as Kane tries to clear his head.
After all, he can't be attacked by something he killed.

Can he?

"Oh my god JR, the whole cities burning. Look at that!!"
"He is a psychotic, hideous monster is that man Kane."
"He thrives on pain, he lives on misery, and there's no doubt he has evil intentions in destroying his own flesh and blood here tonight"
"Dangerously evil is Kane."
"He's buried his brother, and is the cause of the disappearance of Y/n."

Kane's music dies down.
"You can't come back" Kane tells himself, "I buried you alive."
The lights cut out.
Kane's all alone.
Surrounded by darkness.

"Oh yes!" Kane paces, Paul's voice shaking him to the bone.
Paul can't be here.
As the haunting hymn starts Kane sees light.
But the fire cannot comfort him now.

For the fire illuminates none other than Paul Bearer.
And Paul holds the Undertaker's urn.

Doused in the now familiar, but still as unsettling, purple light Kane finds little reassurance in his wishes for his older brother to still be buried.
But just because Paul is here doesn't mean The Undertaker is.

Paul walks closer to the ring, stopping just as he reaches it.
"You're no son of mine" Paul states, but Kane's attention is forced elsewhere when another figure is illuminated by the fire.
They don't move.
Staring straight at him.
Into his soul.

Kane shakes his head, disbelief evident in his eyes.
But sure enough there she stands.
Although now she stands reminding Kane of years prior.
The time where her presence signaled the end.
Where she was known as the bringer of death.

The lights flicker with the next bell toll.
One figure becoming two.
Kane takes in involuntary step back despite the distance that's already there.

"You're not real." Kane tells himself, fear engulfing his body. "I killed the both of you"
For a second neither of them move, and Kane almost eases up at the thought he's imagining it all.

But the music continues, and the pair at the other end of the ramp begin to move towards him.

Kane finds himself trapped. He can't leave, but he doesn't want to stay.
He ended them both.
He was the cause of both their disappearances.
And now they're back to haunt him.
They stop before Paul, facing each other finally.

Neither of them utter a word, communicating silently in a language only the two of them understand, before once more turning to face Paul.

With the sweep of his managers arm Undertaker moves swiftly in the direction of the steel stairs, Y/n remaining with Paul for the moment.
"You're not real! I buried you alive. I buried you both alive!" Kane shouts, but his words are not heard.
The lights are raised, revealing Kane's fear to the world.

-- Slight pov change to readers perspective --

As Undertaker ducks under the top rope you climb to the top of the steel stairs, Kane pacing and continuing to deny to himself what is really happening.
"You can't be real" he shouts again, shaking his head furiously "no!"

You stand behind the deadman now, passing the jacket to Paul, watching Kane's every move.
You can see how tense Kane is, but this is his doing.
"You're not real" Kane shouts once more, "I killed you! I killed both of you!" He looks at you now, eyes finding the pendant once more.

The pendant you wore when he followed you to your locker room and tried his hardest to get rid of you.

Paul's movement beside you is what lets you know it's time to leave.
And you waste little time in doing so.
You have no business in the ring.

You walk with Paul to the other corner, turning to see Kane with his hand outstretched.

His fingertips barely brush his brothers very real flesh, Undertaker raining down vengeance on his younger brother.

Kane slips through the ropes, apparently bailing, but Taker follows him quickly, taking a blow to the head as Paul pulls you out of the firing line.
With the two of them back in the ring the ref stops counting and the Deadman keeps things under wraps, finishing off his younger brother with a Tombstone.

The bell rings and Undertaker raises to be on one knee, Kane rolling out of the ring.
He ends up at your feet, hazily staring up at you.
You say nothing, and make no gesture. Kane isn't worth your time.

You and Paul follow behind the deadman, who hasn't looked back to see his fallen brother.
After all things are how they should be, and should have been all this time.
And as you stand by him at the top of the ramp you know people understand.

The Undertaker at the top once again, claiming souls.
Paul Bearer clutching the urn that brings the dead back to life.
And you, standing tall beside the two of them, an angel of death.

The image is a message to all.
A warning.

Now he's back no one is safe.

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