Matt Hardy - Delete The Evil

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Bray has a plan to break up the team of you and Matt, a plan that could potentially ruin your plans to get rid of Bray.


"We will delete Bray Wyatt, no matter what it takes!!" you shout, Matt staring off into the distance, his eyes vacant as you speak.
The room goes dark and you instinctively stand deadly still, knowing who it is.

"All bark and no bite, that's what you are. You hide. You hide behind Matt Hardy, behind the flesh and bone that is his physical being. Not once have you stood in front of him to face me, and I have a question for you, Y/n" the way Bray says your name sends a painful shiver down your spine.

You remain facing the opposite direction, too stubborn to turn and face the head of the Wyatt family. "Are you scared?"

You turn quickly to face him, shaking your head.
"I'm not scared of you Bray Wyatt, all you are is material in need of deletion" with this Matt snaps out of the strange state he is in.

"You will be deleted!!" Matt shouts, and a dark chuckle erupts from Bray's lips.

"Matt Hardy, you don't see what I see. You don't see the truth" Bray gives an evil grin to the camera, the feed going live to the titantron. "You call out sister Abigail, you call her out and claim of this power she has, power she feeds me. But you just do see do you Matt? Do you?" Matt points at himself, staring up at the giant screen above the stage.

Bray nods, "Yes Matt, you. You are blinded, blinded by the same thing that helps me see. So shielded from it, by her words, that you can't even see what is going on."

Matt turns his head to look at you.
"Yes Matt, her. Y/n. You see, to her this is a game. She is the one that truly woke you, she is the one that possesses power over you, much like you claim Sister Abigail does me. But Matt, Sister Abigail doesn't have that power. Sister Abigail is my equal, my sister! But what is this woman to you, that is the question" Bray begins to laugh darkly, the camera shutting off a few seconds later, leaving the arena pitch black.

It doesn't take long for the light to return, and Matt stares at you, a questioned look plastered on his face.
"What do you want with me?" he asks, "Why did you wake me?!" You simply stare, tilting you head as he stares deep into your soul.

"Matt, you can't see. You really can't. I'm here to protect you. To help you" you are met once again by the uncertain stare of Woken Matt Hardy as he thinks about your words.

"I don't need your help. I have done things you could only dream of!" he exits the ring, walking up the ramp.

"You would have done none of that without me! It was I that awoke you from your otherwise eternal slumber, my sacrifices that brought you here today!!" Matt stops in his tracks, turning to face you. "Do you really think you can carry on without the one feeding you life, feeding you power so you don't go back to sleep? Do you?" he nods, "You're a fool" you laugh.

"What?" he says, "What??" he begins to walk slowly back to the ring, "What?!" he shouts.
"You need me. Everything you are, everything you stand for is because of me" he shakes his head once again, "Me!" you shout.

"But what about Brother Nero? What about him? Why let him get hurt?!"

"It was you that hurt him first Matt, not me, don't forget that though you need me to continue you still think and move for yourself. He's weaker than you are Matt. Much, much weaker. You are the only one that can do it, Matt. You are the only one that can delete Bray Wyatt and Sister Abigail, isn't that what you want Matt? To delete Bray Wyatt and the evil queen Abigail?" he nods eagerly.

"Of course I want to, I want to. I need to. I need to delete Bray Wyatt and Sister Abigail!" He climbs onto the apron, getting through the ropes and standing before you.
"You need to?" You ask and he nods franticly.

"I have to delete!!" he shouts, the word delete causing a chant to start.
"Exactly!! And you can't do it without my help, without me! Without me you would still be just Matt Hardy, and you would be overshadowed by darkness, by evil. I helped you do all the things you speak of, and I will help you delete both Wyatt and his sister once and for all!"

Matt begins to laugh, and so do you.
"Once I delete them I will make you the queen" he says, and you raise an eyebrow. "The true queen, that what you will be, not her. Not Abigail" you nod.
"Yes Matt. But first, we must delete Bray and Abigail" he nods. He takes a hold of your wrist and holds in in there air.

The two of you throw your mics somewhere off to the side, and Matt lifts up your arm once again.
The two of you begin the delete chant, exiting the ring and walking backwards up the ramp, chanting with the crowd.

"You've made the right choice Matt" you say, staring deep into his eyes. Matt stares right back at you, trying to figure out if you're hiding anything else, but he doesn't see anything and so decides to loo across the crowd.
They still chant "delete" and Matt begins to laugh.

After a short while you do too, you and the older Hardy brother stand on the stage laughing mechanically at the situation.
Delete you will, there no doubt in your mind or Matt's that that is what is going to happen. You look up at the roof, the bright lights causing you to squint.

"We will delete Bray and Abigail by any means necessary, even if it means I have to glitch Matt. You, Wyatt, will be deleted!!!" you scream, and the crowd cheers.
You turn and walk backstage, the chanting still going on in the background.

Bray Wyatt will be deleted.

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