Chris Jericho - Old Times

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Miz TV never cracked up to be all that much, at least it never compared to the Highlight Reel.
And it never will, not for you.

You sigh, resting your head in your hands.
You've never liked having to do these segments, not with The Miz anyway.

Once upon a time you enjoyed doing these things, you enjoyed coming out to the ring and being interviewed by a fellow wrestler.
Perhaps you were biased with The Highlight Reel, perhaps now moreso then ever.

There was just something that made The Highlight Reel what it was, something that made it fun.
Again, maybe you're biased, but it always seemed so much more fun.

Instead you're out here talking to Miz.. or rather you wish you were. 
He's just been talking to himself for almost 3 minutes.
Then again, maybe it would be worse if you were involved in the conversation.

"So, Y/n," it looks like you're about to find out, "how does it feel to be on Miz TV?"
Oh great. 
More talking about Miz.

"It's.. okay I guess. I've had better experiences with this type of show." You shrug. 
Miz looks offended, so he should be. 

"There's nothing wrong with my show." He states, nostrils flaring in anger.
"I mean.. there's the décor, the fact it's a bad knockoff of the highlight reel, you." 

If looks could kill the whole arena would have witnessed a murder.
Miz is not happy, something that you find quite amusing. 
You don't want to be here, why not have a little fun?

"How dare you compare my show to the highlight reel, there was nothing tasteful about how it was presented." Miz snaps. 
You raise your eyebrow, smirking. 
"The host was certainly tasteful." 

Miz's face turns to one of disgust, the direct mention of Chris angering him more.
Chris and Miz have never gotten along, Chris has told Miz on several occasion what he thinks of him and his in ring show and, as expected, Miz did not take any of those things well.

If it wasn't bad enough that you were down here on Miz TV to begin with it was made bad, or so much worse, by you bringing up your boyfriend.
Not that it's an issue for you of course.

With a huff Miz decides to continue the segment, "so, Y/n, tell me. Last week you were 'robbed' of a match for a title shot. I-"
"Woah, listen. It's not being 'robbed' if your opponent is unfit to face you and a replacement cannot be found. Although I'm flattered."

Miz already looked angry, although now he seems to be angrier.
He clearly meant his words to come off mean and to disappoint you.
Oh well.

Miz opens his mouth to continue, but you weren't done and so you continue first.
"I'll get my shot, I've made it clear that I only want to face the best. If that means I have to wait two weeks for her to recover then I'll wait two weeks. If it's four it's four."

"Don't interrupt me." He growls.
"I didn't. You hadn't started." You turn your face away from him, grinning into a camera before turning back with your face straight.

"I-" he stops, resting his microphone free hand on his face.
His frustration is clear, and very amusing.
You hope Chris is watching.

"You know, Y/n, you and that good for nothing boyfriend of yours really know how to get on my nerves." Miz mumbles, taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly.

You say nothing, just watching with a straight face.
Although you imagine everyone can still clearly see the amusement you hold.
You're pretty sure the whole world can sense it.

"Y/n." Miz begins. Again. "Next time you face-"
This time Miz isn't interrupted by you.
It's the music that cuts him off.
The theme belonging to your partner.

Chris cockily makes his way down to the ring, the biggest shit eating grin plastered on his face.
You try not to react, but you can't help the small grin that makes it's way onto your face.

Your attention is drawn away from Chris as you hear a yell from Miz, turning to see him kick over the small table between the two of you.
It just makes you want to grin more.

"You know what?" Miz shouts as Chris' theme song stops. He turns and looks you dead in the eyes, pointing at your chest.

"I'm done. I'm done with you, I'm done with this interview. I can't do this anymore. You're never coming on Miz TV again." He snaps.
"Okay." You shrug.

Miz leaves the ring, glaring at you.
"Don't forget your set!" Chris shouts, throwing the knocked over table out of the ring and in the direction of the ramp.
Miz stomps the rest of the way up the ramp and out of sight, leaving you and Chris alone in the ring.

The lion-tamer turns to look at you.
"This takes me back." He states, referencing the many times you appeared on his in ring show.

"That it does, what are you doing down here anyway?" You ask him.
The crowd cheers, clearly wanting to know as well.

"I thought I'd come and reminisce old times, remember the things that happened."
You know immediately what he's talking about.

The highlight reel held a special place for the two of you, mainly because it's what brought you together.
The highlight reel is the reason for your relationship.
The first time Chris had kissed you was on the highlight reel.

"I actually, I thought we could reminisce on them together." He says, gesturing toward the titantron.
A video begins to play, showing the journey you and Chris had on the highlight reel.

You watch as small snippets of the show play, your chemistry with Chris growing with every clip.
You became a permanent part of the show once your relationship began, creative deciding the two of you worked far too well together to be apart.

It's nice, yet odd, to watch back all these moments.
It's been years since you and Chris did the highlight reel.
Your relationship has only grown, the two of you have only become closer.

The video ends, the crowd cheering loudly.
You smile, turning to face Chris.

Except he's not where you thought he would be.
Instead he's down on one knee, holding a small blue box open.

The ring inside sparkles more than anything you've ever seen, your smile growing.

"Y/n the highlight reel ended many years ago. I don't want my time with you to ever end. Marry me?"
The words don't come out of your mouth for a second, before you finally manage to get out the "yes" nodding as you do.

He takes the ring from the box, sliding it on your finger before standing.
The crowd's cheers are almost deafening as you and Chris face one another.

His hands hold yours, you barely hear him say "I love you" without his microphone.
"I love you too Chris." You say just before his lips meet yours, reminiscent of that first kiss on the highlight reel.
Who knew that one show you enjoyed so much would come to this.

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