Kane - An Object Of Revenge

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You are the only one Kane has ever truly felt love for, the only one he cares about dearly enough he'd sacrifice anything for.
Shane McMahon is losing against the demon, and he knows it, and he pulls the dirtiest move possible in order to get to Kane, in order to get revenge for Kane hurting his mother.

"Get off of me, McMahon!" you struggle against Shane as best you can, but he overpowers you easily, throwing you over his shoulder, exiting the room as quickly as he came in.

You had been sat alone in Kane's dressing room, waiting for him to return from catering, when a knock on the door had startled you.

You had opened it to see Shane stood there, and it hadn't taken him long to corner you.
You had landed a few punches, but it seemed as if you had done nothing at all as he began to fight back.

He didn't hit you, he has enough decency to know not to hit a woman, but he had grabbed your wrist rather tightly, and you hadn't been able to free it, which then allowed him to use his other hand lift you.

Shane carries you down a long hallway, and your fists hit his back multiple times with every step he takes, a desperate attempt from you to get free, but it doesn't seem to be affecting him what so ever.

It doesn't take long for him to come to a stop, putting you back on your feet.
"There you go" he says, forcing you to sit down on the steel chair placed in the center of the dimly lit room. You take in a sigh of relief, looking up at him.
Shane doesn't move, he only stands above you with a smirk on his face.

You stare confused until you feel someone grab your wrists. You turn to look and see who it is, but masks cover three faces.
One of them is holding your arms so your wrists are against the metal back of the chair, the other two each expertly tying a rope around each wrist, ensuring you can't escape.

"Shane!" you yell and he chuckles, "tell them to stop! Right now!"

"I can't, you see, Kane thinks he has the upper hand. Kane thinks he can hurt someone very dear to me and get away with it" Shane talks slowly, resentment laced within his voice as he paces in front of you.
He stops and pulls a wad of cash from his pocket, handing it to the tallest of the three people in masks as they walk past him to exit the room. "But you see" he carries on, pacing again, "he can't" suddenly Shane turns, walking towards you.
He crouches down next to you, making eye contact, which to you is almost painful, "and that, sweetheart, is where you come in. Being his wife he will come for you, and when he does, well. He'll have a nice little surprise waiting for him" despite turning your face away from him he still manages to stroke it, causing you to grimace.

"Now then, why don't you stay here and stay quiet?" he says, and as you open your mouth to speak he pulls a piece of fabric from his shirt pocket, tying it around your mouth. "I'll see you soon" He grins evilly at you, walking out of the room.

You try and shout after him, but it comes out muffled and even you can't tell what you've said.
A sinister laugh comes through the now closed door, and you hear the lock click.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, knowing you might be here for a while.

The lock clicks and your head shoots up, hoping Kane is here to free you. A wave of disappointment crashes over your body as you see Shane, your hope drowning almost instantly.
You keep your head down as he switches on another light, brightening the room significantly.

"I bet you miss Kane, do you miss him?" he asks. The questions cause you to look up at him, wondering what he means and unable to ask. You nod your head in response, which makes Shane grin. "Of course you miss him. You're married. But, don't worry" Shane laughs "he's coming" With that he switches the lights completely off, but leaves the door slightly ajar, illuminating you with the light from the hall.

You stare out at the cream wall on the other side of the hall, longing for Kane to come, and you try to shout again, like you did before because maybe, just maybe, he is close by.

Once again the shout is muffled, but the door open means someone might hear, but you know with the fabric in your mouth no one will hear unless they are close by.

"Y/n!" You look up upon hearing your name, the voice music to your ears. You struggle against the ropes, trying to get out of them, but it is no use.

You shout as loud as you can with the cloth in your mouth, hoping Kane hears you.
"Y/n!" you hear again, closer this time, and you shout back as best you can, the sound of footsteps getting closer bringing a tear to your eye.

You see a shadow in the hall and you know it's Kane, so you shout again, and this time he appears at the door.
As soon as it registers to him that it's you a smile appears on his face and he slams the door open the rest of the way, rushing over to you.

"I was so worried he'd hurt you" Kane says, untying the cloth that restrains you from speaking.
"You have no idea how glad I am to see you" you say, the feeling of relief washing over you as your right wrist is freed.

As soon as both wrists are untied you jump to your feet, wrapping your arms around your husband.
"From now on you stay with me"
"Sounds like a good idea to be frank" you smile.

The door slams suddenly, leaving you in the dark. You rush to the door, trying to open it, but it is locked from the outside.

Behind you you hear the sound of wood colliding with something and you immediately think the worst.
You try to find a light switch, which doesn't take long, but as soon as the room is illuminated you see you're too late.

Shane is stood over Kane, a large smile rests upon his lips as he stares down at his handy-work. Kane is laid on the floor, unconscious, and you run over.
You crouch beside him, checking that he is okay before looking up at Shane, only to find he is already gone.
You turn to look at the door, which is open, confirming Shane's exit.

You shake your head and change position so you are kneeling beside Kane, determined not to leave his side until he wakes.

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