Kane - I Believe You.

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You've known for two weeks about the planned attack on Kane.. the only problem is that you've felt too bad about him not believing your feelings to tell him.
Will you be able to save him in time?
Or will it be too late?

That's what you feel.

You should have told him.
He deserved to know.

Unfortunately contact with him is limited, you were nervous, too afraid of your own feelings to tell him.
And now he's on his was to the ring, unaware of the plans of his enemies.

It wasn't often you overheard people's plans, often actively avoiding eavesdropping.
In this case you had done it on purpose.

"When you get back I want a full on attack on Kane. He needs to be dealt with for giving you a concussion."
You had been shocked hearing it, it was such a rash thing to do over something so small.

In this business a concussion wasn't out of the ordinary, it only took a slight mis-positioning or wrong angle to cause a hit to the head.
So to go after someone for just that was frankly rude.

Out of fear you hadn't said anything to them, not when it happened, not last week, and not this week.
This had been your last chance to stop them.

You stare at yourself in the bathroom mirror, angry with yourself for not having the courage to tell Kane.
But how could you?

You had been outside his locker room on multiple occasions, ready to knock on the door and notify him of the danger.
Yet every time your hand stopped just short of the door, before you could knock.

You know your reasons, being as drawn to someone as you are to Kane really gets the heart beating and sends the nerves through the roof.
Well, it doesn't help that last time you spoke to him he denied your feelings.
Certainly doesn't make for a good situation.

And so every single time you had stopped.
Walked away.
Felt worse and worse about it every time.

Now you're here, listening to his theme song.
Knowing his demise is coming.
Knowing he is going to be attacked.

You could have stopped it, you could have done something.
You still can.

With a sudden burst of courage you leave the bathroom, breaking into a jog.
You're determined to make it in time.

You can almost hear a clock ticking in your head, reminding you of every second that passes by.
Kane's theme has stopped, an eerie silence having fallen.

It's clear that whomever Kane was supposed to face tonight will not be going to the ring.
You hope you're not too late to stop what is about to happen.

Sure enough the second theme starts up.
You knew they would be going down next.

You're almost there, almost at the gorilla.
You can do it, you can still stop them.

You pause as you round the room that sends you to the stage, filled with nerves.
Not just nerves for Kane but nerves because you really didn't think out your plan.

The array of steel chairs set neatly to the side is enough of a plan for you.
You pick up the closest one and fold it, not waiting another second to run out onto the stage.

The music is still loud, your eyes lock onto your targets.
They're still on their way to the ring, slowly stalking toward Kane if they have all the time in the world.

Luckily they're also unaware of your presence.
Something you keep up by using the sound of the crowd to your advantage, but also ensuring you're quiet on your feet.

As they reach the bottom of the ramp they stop, allowing you to properly catch up.
"This is it Kane, this is our revenge for what you did."

Without hesitation you swing the chair, hitting the speaker in the back of the head.
A blow that sends him to the ground.

Unfortunately now his two teammates know you're here.
They know you're a threat.
There's one to your left and one to your right.
Perhaps hitting the guy in the center first wasn't the best idea.

You don't have time to think, simply swinging again and hoping for the best.
Your second swing hits, although it's not as successful as the first, only causing the second guy to stumble back.

You turn to hit the third with the chair but he's already thought ahead, snatching the steel object from your hand.
You duck as he swings the chair at you, spinning while you're low and sweeping his legs from under him.

It's an effective move, although as you stand straight again you realise than both of his friends are ready for you.
You're overwhelmed quickly, trying your best to fight them off.

Unfortunately it doesn't last long, having your arms quickly locked in place

The guy in front of you grins, helping his other friend off of the ground while you struggle in the hold.
"A valiant effort I must say, it's a shame you waste it on Kane and he's not even come to help you."

"Shut your mouth." You spit, receiving a slap to the face in return.
He chuckles, gripping your chin and forcing you to look at him again.

"Since you care so much you can watch us do what we came down here to do, beat the shit out of Kane. If you keep quiet we'll maybe let you off lightly after, got it?"
He moves your head up and down for you, his grin filling you with an anger you never thought possible.
And you're unable to do anything about it.

He lets go, turning around and walking right into Kane's fist.
The guy with the chair swings, smacking Kane's arm.

Kane moves to attack him now, snatching the chair and smacking him in the head with it, hard.
Hard enough it causes the guy holding you to flinch.

You see blood slowly begin to pour from a newly opened wound on the man's head, although you don't have time to process it, the other one on the ground at your feet after being chokeslammed.

Kane now turns his attention in your direction, or rather behind you.
The man holding you doesn't loosen up his grip, clearly intending on using you as a meat shield for as long as he can.

With Kane staring daggers at him you seize the opportunity to help yourself, stomping hard on his foot.
He lets out a quiet yelp, letting go of your wrists and freeing you.

You turn to deal with him further but he's already at the top of the ramp, showing no signs of stopping.

Kane's hand on your arm fills you with nerves once again.
He spins you slowly to face him.

You don't avoid his eyes, no point in showing your nerves now.
He shows no emotion, simply staring down at you.

Seconds pass with nothing, so you look down.
His lack of any communication makes you feel awful.
You wish he would do something, say something.

You hiss as he gently lifts your head to look up at him again, his hand on your still sore cheek.
He goes to recoil but you put your hand on his, keeping it there.

It stings, but his touch makes up for it.
His thumb moves slowly across what you can only imagine is a sore looking patch of skin.
You don't pull away.
You don't want this moment to end.

When it does you sigh softly, accepting that that is probably all you will get from Kane.
He denied your confession before, you're sure he's doing the same now.

You step away, ready to leave.
You can't handle the disappointment.. not in front of all these people.

There was a small part of you that hoped that if he saw what you were willing to do for him he would see things for how they are, he would see your feelings as true..
Maybe that's not possible.

You don't look back, you don't want to.
Your heart feels heavy.
You tried.

"Y/n" you don't stop.
You can't stop.
Whatever it is you don't want it.

"Y/n." He calls again, nearer this time. "Y/n!"
"What, Kane?" You turn to him at last, seeing the mix of emotions swimming in his mismatched eyes.

"I believe you."

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