Kane - Saved By The Pyros

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A sticky situation on Miz TV ends in your husband giving you a helping hand when things go wrong.

"Hey! You know the rule!" Miz shouts as you as you walk down the ramp. You lean on the barricade and begin talking to a small girl.

"Hey, I'm Y/n, I see you have my shirt, what's your name?" you ask.
Shyly she smiles at you.
"Amelia" Her voice is quiet, the young fan obviously shy and a little bit star struck at you talking to her, but still loud enough you can hear her over the Miz's shouting.

"Can you believe him?" she shakes her head, a smile on her face, "Now, here's a question. How would you like to go and do my interview for me?" She glances over to the ring, shaking her head, "Aww, why not? It would save me a lot of hassle."

"Don't like Miz" she states, crossing her arms. You shake your head and chuckle.
"You know what? Me either." You wink, "I'll see about getting something signed to you Amelia" you smile, pushing yourself off of the barricade and continuing to make your way to the ring.

You enter the ring as slow as possible, simply to annoy the host of Miz Tv.
You take the microphone from one of the crew members before instantly turning on your heel and coming face to face with the Miz and a rather smiley Seth Rollins, of whom had snuck down the ramp past you and been introduced while you were mid conversation.

"Now, Miz, I don't know about Mr. Rollins feels, but it seems that I am not the only one that doesn't want to be in this ring right now."
"But you love being in the ring-"

"Not with you two I don't. I swear Stephanie does it to annoy me since she knows if she comes out and speaks about me she'll get her ass handed to her" Neither men in the ring with you say anything for a solid minute.

Miz finally opens his mouth to speak when he is cut off by music.
The music is none other than Triple H's, who walks out shortly after, clearly unhappy with your comment about the woman he chose to marry.

"How dare you speak about my wife like that" You roll your eyes at your boss as he storms towards the ring.

"I'll speak about your wife however I damn well please for all the hassle she puts me through." You cross your arms, tapping your foot on the mat as he climbs up the stairs rather than just getting into the ring, the fear of messing up the overpriced suit he's wearing being too much for him to handle.

As soon as he's in the ring you find yourself almost surrounded.
Miz and Hunter are stood almost diagonal from you, but quite close, both of them glaring at you.

Behind you is Seth Rollins, so close you can practically feel his body pressed up to yours.
Quickly you spin, coming face to face with the ex-champion.

"You do realise I'm a married woman, right?" you say. Seth's eyes flicker down to your left hand where sure enough your wedding ring sits securely in its place on your ring finger, as it has done for the past three years.
"I'm still allowed to check you out" he states.

"You know, I'm not sure my husband would agree." You give him the most unimpressed look you can muster, and he chuckles.
"Your husband isn't here right now, so really I can do what I want. And I want to check you out."

The arena goes black, hiding the look of discomfort from your face, but you feel no one move.
The pyrotechnics go off on the stage and you feel the men in the ring flinch.
He's coming.

You knew it wouldn't be too long before he had to come save you, but you're not complaining.
The lights stay off but you can feel the mat shaking, and surely enough, one by one you feel each man stood in the ring prior to the darkness his the mat.
Still the lights remain off.
There is little more movement, no bodies hitting the mat from that point on, and not a moment later all movement stops.

The lights come back on and you stand in the ring, face to face with the masked man you'd been waiting for.
The arena is silent for all but a few cheers as you and your husband stare into each others eyes.
"I was wondering how long it would be before you had to come out" you whisper.

"You know I'd never leave you with them, especially Seth" you smile at the tall man before you. If he didn't like Seth in the beginning he certainly didn't when Seth began to flirt with you.
Despite your lack of interest in the former architect of the Shield he never left you alone, so your husband stepped in, not that it did much to hinder his attempts of pulling you.
"Speaking of Seth" Kane steps to the side, revealing the man that had stood just a little too close to you clutching his stomach.

"Would you like to do the honours?" you nod eagerly with a smile on your face. The demon steps backwards and out of your way, ensuring the only casualty is Seth.
You make your way up to the top turnbuckle, looking out upon the fans watching eagerly.

Not a moment later you give them what you want, jumping backwards and performing the phoenix splash, a move Seth likes to use himself from time to time, but after all it is your finisher.
You stand, looking down as you do at Seth who has finished writhing in pain.

"Perfectly executed, as per usual" you smile at your husband, your theme blasting in the background, hiding Kane's compliment from the ears of the WWE Universe.

Kane and you walk up the ramp, his arm over your shoulder. The two of you turn as you reach the stage, taking a moment to look upon the carnage by the ring, before leaving, neither one of you feeling sorry for any one of the three that were laid out.

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