Kane - Gaurdian Angel

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Kane's script writer took a few months off. In their absence things went very wrong. They'll go to hell before they see it carry on.

"Kane vs Chris Benoit. What a match this will be." You say, the two men both in the ring now.
You lean back into your chair, ready to see what has been done with Kane's character in your absence.

Four months off on vacation had  been nice, you had spent the time with your family abroad.
In your time off you hadn't watched any shows, kept up with any storylines, you hadn't had the time to do that.

You weren't even due to come back until next week, but Vince had insisted you attend a show to get back into things.

And here you are, sitting front row, watching a match that you would have scripted had you been at work.
Of course you often script a lot of matches, but this would would be special to you.
After all, you had been the one behind Kane for a year and a half now, excluding your four months away.

Kane had been your break through in the WWF, or.. the WWE now. You had taken him on in January 1999, and writing for a character like Kane had been a huge difference from the minor writing you had done before.

Working with Kane's character had included a lot of crossing over with those writing for Undertaker, a man you had come into contact with a few times now.

Unlike Undertaker, who reached out to voice his opinion on bits to his writing team (a small team, but a team none the less) and you, Kane never came to see you about his character.
In fact you had never actually in person met him.
You had encountered Paul a few times, but it still wasn't Kane.

Even without meeting him you knew Kane was a great performer. You had seen the lead up to the point until you left on vacation, and had grown the character with the development of Kane.
Kane was special to you, even if he didn't know it.

Everything was going fine with the match until Tori came out, which you had thought was strange.
Maybe she was in a storyline with Benoit?
You decide this was likely the answer as Tori attacks Paul and he retaliates, distracting Kane and causing the match to abruptly end.

Chris attacks Paul, and Kane attacks Chris, turning his attention to Tori. You lean forward in your chair, watching with curious eyes as Kane stalks Tori up the ramp.
She motions as if begging Kane to leave her alone, which to you seems odd since she brought this upon herself.

You shrug, dismissing this as an inconsistency, until X-Pac comes into view.
"What the hell is going on?" You ask yourself.
"X-Pac and Tori are teamed against Kane. Tori and Kane were together, and Kane was in a tag team with X-Pac but they both left him."

"Oh." Is all you can manage to say to the gentleman beside you, who kindly filled you in on the situation.

The whole arena gasps in unison as Kane is hit with a blast of fire from what you now see is a flame thrower.
You don't stop yourself from leaping over the barricade, shoving your WWE Personelle ID card in their faces.

You reach Kane before both Paul and the Ref, thanking your lucky stars that you brought your card.
You kneel beside him, worried, the red mask slightly charred.
Paul pulls you up and away from Kane slightly as medics rush down, surrounding him.

"I'm glad your back." Paul states, the two of you following the medics backstage. "I don't know who they handed the script writing over to but it has been awful without you. You are back, right?"
You nod. "Yes. Absolutely yes. After what I just witnessed I don't think I can wait until next week. What has been going on?"

Paul spends the next half an hour filling you in in the locker room, in a good amount of detail.
And none of it is good.
Kane with DX? No. What sort of an angle is that?

Right as you are about to ask Paul that exact question the door opens, and Kane walks in.
"Paul I- Who is this?" He asks.
You shuffle nervously in your seat.

"This is Y/n" Paul states, "the one who wrote your scripts prior to this storyline. They've been behind your storylines for over a year and took one break.. and we know how that has been." You give a little wave, plucking up the courage to say something to him yourself.

"Are you okay?" Is what you manage, the fact he has a clearly damp towel over half of his face and an ice pack on his neck.
"It's nothing serious." He states. You take his word for it, instead focusing on the fact you can see his face at all.

You're used to the mask, you like the mask. At least whoever wrote the script didn't remove that.
If you get your way Kane will always have a mask. It's what makes Kane.. well. Kane.

"Will you be taking back over?" He says suddenly.
"I will. I'm not due to come back until next week, but I have a few ideas to get the Kane everyone loves back."
You see the excited twinkle in his eye, the one that isn't covered, and know that he's just as excited for that as you are.

"Will you need any assistance with that?" Paul asks, his voice hopeful.
"Well," you begin, "first I need to talk to the man at the top. But if all goes well there, Paul, I will need your help to get into contact with the team of people behind the Deadman."

Paul's eyes instantly light up. "You can't possibly be thinking what I am." He states. You shrug.
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Only time will tell. For now, I'll tell you this. I plan on picking up where I left off."

With that you stand, bidding both Paul and Kane goodbye.
After all, you have to find Vince, to put across your ideas, and to make sure Kane is handled correctly from now on.
After all, you helped to create Kane, and you'll be damned if you ever see his character like this again.

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