CM Punk - A Lesson In Manners

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Wrestlemania this year is not what you wanted it to be. You never thought your husband would be fighting your father on the grandest stage of them all, but it's happening tonight.

You sit backstage in a dark hall, alone, and away from the main part of the arena where it's loud and crowded with people.

Wrestlemania is well on its way, but for you the worst is yet to come.
You've known this day was coming, for quite some time now, and you tried to stop it, but the forces were in motion. It was too late by time you tried to stop them.

"I'd have thought you'd be with your husband, wishing him good luck before his big match" a familiar voice calls from the darkness.

"Paul's busy. And besides, I can't wish him good luck, that's not.. right" you lift your head, your eyes making contact with the acid green ones belonging to none other than your father.

"I know Paul's not busy. He's staring at the wall in his locker room, praying for his life" you chuckle at your father's words.

"Don't be dramatic. Have a little faith. He might not win, but he'll sure as hell put up a good fight"
"He won't win. Your husband is going to learn to watch his mouth. Something he should have done before he married you." You cast your gaze down, only to have your father raise your head gently with his thumb. "Just because he's married to you, flower, doesn't mean I'm going to go lightly on him. Now go, there's only five more minutes before we're out. I'll see you later Y/n" with that you stand, walking towards the gorilla.

"There you are" Paul grins at you, holding out his hand, "any final words before I step out onto the grandest stage of them all?" He raises an eyebrow, and you nod your head in response.
"As much as I love you, you're going to get annihilated" He laughs, but in him you see the fear you've seen in many before him.

"Perhaps, Y/n, if you believe that you should go and stand in the other corner" you roll your eyes, turning to face Paul Heyman.
"Perhaps, Heyman, you should stay out of this" you bite back.
"Listen Y/n. It's not a good idea for you to come out. Just in case" you raise an eyebrow at your husband.

"Just in case you decide to bring me into your feud so you can win. I think I will stay back here. Just so my father can kick your ass fair and square"
You feel Paul's hand disconnect from yours as he is called out to do his entrance.

As he disappears your father comes into view. He offers you a smile, something not many people get to see.
"I won't let you down. Tonight I beat him for you." You nod your head once.
"As much as I love Paul, I'm in your corner. I'm by your side in spirit. I love you" he opens his arms, and you gladly accept his hug.
"I love you too Y/n"

With that you take your leave, finding the nearest TV just in time.
The scene is breath taking, the arena completely doused in purple, bright white lights illuminating the smoke either side of your father, hands reaching up from the ground.

He brings the lights back up on the steel stairs, entering the ring the same way as always.
He stands in the center of the ring, pulling back his hood to reveal his rolled back eyes.

The Undertaker pays little attention to your husband as he carelessly tosses the urn to Paul Heyman.
Soon enough the two of them are head to head, the toll of the bell at ringside signaling the beginning of this hellish match.

You're surprised when Punk is the one to strike first, the feeling remaining as he gains more momentum against your father, but sure enough it doesn't last, a boot to the face knocking your husband to the ground.

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