Triple H - Injury Via Rookie Mistake

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A newbie not reading the script isn't good at the best of times.
It's worse when the move hits you, which if they had read the script they would know you do not take bumps.

Short note: request list has been updated to include some people from AEW! Thank you. :)

"Have you had any spinal damage before, Y/n?"
"I've had issues, you could say that." You try and laugh, trying to ease the discomfort you're in.

You retired from wrestling far earlier than you'd hoped, your spine becoming an unexpected issue.
Despite this you had stuck with the WWE, Vince wanting to keep you.

And so you became a manager for your partner, Triple H.
You'd also usually sit and do commentary for his matching, wanting to be well out of the way.

Sure, you'd gotten caught in the crossfire more than a few times, although you had never participated in anything that could potentially injure you.
You didn't want that, Hunter didn't want that and neither did Vince.

Unfortunately, due to scheduling issues, tonight Vince had been forced to send new talent out to the ring.
They weren't well knowledged about WWE, or wrestling as a whole.

They seemed to take issue when Hunter snatched the mic from them.. a planned part, although it clearly wasn't expected by the newbie.
At that point you wondered whether they had read the script, whether they knew what they were supposed to be doing at all.
You worried that it wasn't safe for them to be in the ring.. something that turned out to be right.

Like usual you had gone to block their path up to the ramp, another scripted part of the segment.
Another part they didn't take kindly to.

One poorly executed swinging neckbreaker later and you were on the floor in a considerable amount of pain, far more than most would be in.

"Get out, go! Never come back." Hunter had yelled as he stood above you.
Those were words he meant, you knew he would make sure that he never came back.

Hunter had crouched down, asking if you were okay. He knew the answer before he had your response, crossing his arms over his head to signal for an emergency response just incase the medics in the back weren't already on it.

You hadn't been able to see them from your position on the floor, not until they were surrounding you.
"We're going to go slow okay?" You nod, understanding that they have to get you on the strecher and to the back to be checked over.

You're hurt, you're in pain, but you know it's not serious.
You can still feel your limbs, you're still concious. You're fully alert.
Once they lift the strecher Hunter takes your hand, holding it firmly as you're brought to back.

You look up at him, a concerned look adorns his features. He's not looking down at you, but you know that you're what's on his mind.

It doesn't take long for you to be in the trainers room, Hunter having broken off from you to go to the locker room.
"I'm going to go get your painkillers, okay? I'll be back soon."
You hoped he would be, for both of your sakes.

After many questions and some prodding and poking anything serious is ruled out.
Between the pain you deal with on a regular basis anyway and the wrong execution of the move (plus the fact you're not supposed to take bumps at all) your spine, and moreso the muscles attached to it, are not feeling a okay.

You're glad it's not serious, but promise that you'll go to the hospital if it worsens.

"I'm here, I'm sorry it took so long I ran into Vince." Hunter explains unnecessarily. He walks over, leaning over you and placing a tender kiss on your forehead.

"What's the verdict then?" He asks, helping you up into a seated position before handing you a fresh bottle of water.

You take the painkillers, explaining the situation to Hunter, who looks relieved to say the least.
"I'm glad that it's not serious. I was so worried when you just laid there. I'm sorry that I couldn't stop him."

"It's okay, it was clear he didn't thoroughly read the script. He got through his lines then went about everything wrong. If he had read it he would have known that I'm not to take bumps."

"I know. It was a stupid mistake though. He shouldn't have been allowed out before he was ready." You reach out, gesturing for his hand.

"It's not your fault Hunter. A mistake was made, I'm going to be okay." You smile at him, hoping that he feels reassured.

His smile back, albeit small, lets you know that you were successful.
He gently rubs the back of your hand with his thumb, patiently waiting with you while your painkillers kick in.

A good 25 minutes later and you finally feel as if you can walk comfortably, the painkillers well and truly doing their job.
Hunter helps you up and off of the bed, making sure that you're well supported.

Although you're not in as much pain you're still uncomfortable, your back is still sore, something both of you know.

He lets you lean into him, not that he doesn't normally, helping you out of the room by adding that little bit more stability.

Outside the room there is a small gathering of people, all having come to make sure that you're okay.
After a quick thank you and letting people know you'll be fine most everyone clears off.

A couple people ask if there's anything they can do for you, to which you find no answer to and let them know that you'll be okay.
You do have Hunter after all.

"We're glad you're okay." A voice calls from a dark corner once the hall is empty.
"It certainly wasn't fun to watch." Another adds.
"And we got the guy, took him to Vince. He was fired on the spot." The final member states.

"Vince certainly has a soft spot for you." The second man states.
"How you do it we're not sure. Hunter is enough for us."

"Alright boys that's enough." Hunter says, bringing the three Shield members out of hiding. "Thank you for going and getting him, I saw the look on his face and knew he was just going to leave."

"It's no problem, anything for Y/n. She treats us well." You smile at Roman's words, knowing full well that he means it.

"I appreciate it boys." The three of them grinning.
"Oh, Vince told us to tell you both not to come to Smackdown. He wants you to have the rest of the week to heal up before the segment that was meant to happen." Seth says.

"Thanks for letting us know, I'll call you when I know what's next for you three, it'll likely be Thursday." The hounds nod.

"I'll see you next week then boys." You smile.
"See you next week Y/n, good luck spending your time with Hunter. I wouldn't want to." Dean calls after you as Hunter and you walk away.

You look at Hunter, who's facial expression reads mildly annoyed but very much amused.

"Don't worry, I enjoy your presence." He turns his head to look at you.

"I know you do, and it's a good job because I'm not letting you do a thing while you rest up. That means you'll have plenty of my presence." He states jokingly.

Despite his obvious jest your response is serious.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."

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