Undertaker - Courage or Stupidity?

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What would you risk for someone who got you to where you are?
Are your actions worth the possible consequences?

Tonight you sit at ringside, on a cold metal chair, headset on.
The show thus far has been fairly bland for you, and you wonder why you have been booked to sit ringside at all.

In terms of commentary you haven't had much to add at all, and it isn't like the two beside you have been making much of an effort to include you.
Things could have been going better, but they could have been going so much worse.

The only time you had something to speak about was at the beginning of the show, where during a particularly bland match you had been asked about the women's division, which of course you had something to say about.

It has been your home for six months now, and although you haven't yet had a shot at the title you feel as if one could be coming soon.
You just have to keep pushing for it.

That conversation had ended as quickly as the match that was being spoken over, and since then other than a word or two your input has been minimal. 
At least you get a good view to study how those with more experience than you move in the ring.

Your ears pick up on the conversation beside you, "They said they were coming out here, and we've yet to see them out here." 
You perk up at Tazz's words, this is what you have been waiting for. This is what you have been waiting for all night.

After 15 seconds of silence Big Show's theme song begins, you try to hold back your excitement.

You have been following this particular storyline for sometime now, it has been going on for more than a little while, and yet you still haven't found yourself disinterested.

In fact, you have known Vickie for many years, having met her through mutual friends, she had been the one to help you get your job, to give  pointers and critiques in order to help you get to where you are today.

Without Vickie you wouldn't be in the position you are in.

By the time you have finished reminiscing on your fondness of the greatly disliked woman she is in the ring, standing between Big Show and Chavo.

Vickie raises the microphone to her lips before saying her famous two words, "Excuse me" She repeats herself, but the crowd doesn't silence. You find yourself shaking your head with her.
She ignores the masses, deciding to get straight to the point.

"Where are you, Undertaker? All of us are waiting for you." She smiles smugly, shrugging at the lack of response from the deadman. "You see, I should never have reinstated you to begin with. You physically and mentally obliterated my husband, Edge, You swore. You swore you would never take my soul! You didn't take anything. Let's have a look."

As the segment plays on the titantron you think about the situation that Vickie has put herself in.
For months now she has stood up to Undertaker, despite everything that has happened.

You have to give credit where credit is due, she has done very well to keep up the act in front of someone like Undertaker, one of the most feared men in the company.
You can't imagine what it would be like to have to stand up to him.

"Gosh, Undertaker, are you having second thoughts?" Vickie begins again, "because I still don't see you!" She laughs.
Chavo gets close to her, pulling the microphone away from her, "I don't think this is a good idea. It's not a good idea." He stutters out.

Big Show takes the microphone, apparently deciding Chavo's opinion doesn't matter.

"Hold on, hold on. Undertaker, everyone's waiting for you to come out here and save the day." Big Show states. "It's not gonna happen and I'll tell you why. You see The Undertaker's lost his nerve. The Undertaker's been humbled. I crushed The Undertaker's spirit. I broke his jaw and I have destroyed the myth of The Undertaker."

The crowd goes wild as the arena goes dark, a familiar bell toll ringing out. You fold your arms over your chest, waiting to see what Undertaker does.

Big Show did do a number on him the other week, for sure, and it did seem as if Undertaker was going to be a no show.
But now you realise your assumption was wrong.

The lights come back, and Chavo is gone. Of course he would be the first to flee.
The titantron catches your eye, it shows Chavo being choked by Undertaker.
Vickie screams to Big Show to go help her nephew, in the process forgetting about herself.

You blatantly ignore Jim Ross as he begins to cover what he is seeing, taking the headset off as a whole.
You lean forwards, watching Chavo get thrown around in the back, Big Show now having disappeared from view.

The camera begins to flicker, your eyes widen.
It's a trap.
Vickie is defenceless.
Before you can collect your thoughts the lights go off once more.

Within seconds they are back on, and sure enough Undertaker stands behind Vickie, who knows for sure he is there.

You raise to your feet, mind racing, heart beating as you turn and pick up the chair you were sat on.
You fold it in half, making your way to the stairs at the corner of the ring.
By the time you're through the ropes with the chair Vickie is already done for.

She lies on the mat unconscious, Undertaker staring down at her.
You stand behind Undertaker, raising the chair above your head as he stands.
Before you can swing he turns.
Despite your silence getting into the ring he somehow knew you were there.

You don't move, keeping the chair in place, wanting to hit, but something stops you.
The look he is giving you is a dangerous one, but he doesn't move.

You begin to lower the chair when Vickie's body catches your eye, she was defenceless.
You bite your lip hard, daring to challenge Undertaker.

You find yourself filled with whatever determination and drive that has caused Vickie to keep going for all this time.
You find yourself swinging the metal chair, any hesitation you had before, gone.

The impact the chair makes isn't what you were hoping for, Undertaker taking a hold of the chair.
He pulls it from your hands, tossing it to the side.

Now filled with fear you take a step back. He takes a step forward.
Your back hits the ropes. 
His hands land either side of you.

You're trapped.
"To know whether you have shown incredible courage or plain stupidity I do not know, but I would advise figuring out where they differ or you just might end up in the same position as your dear General Manager." You say nothing, you do nothing.
You don't even dare to breathe until he pushes away from you.

Once he exits the ring you don't dare look in his direction, instead slowly making your way over to Vickie, who is now being put on a stretcher, her neck secured.

It dawns on you just how reckless you were, what danger you were in.
You could be on a stretcher right now after taking a tombstone.
But you're not.

Why Undertaker spared you this time you do not know.
If there is one thing you do know it's that you're glad he did.

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