Shawn Michaels - Undisclosed Secrets

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Shawn has been sneaking around for quite a while, and you have no idea why.

"And where exactly have you been?" you ask Shawn who has just waked though the door.
Two and a half hours he's been gone, not telling you where he was going or what he was doing.

You don't mind too much but you do wish he'd have told you where he was going at least, that way you know if anything happens.

"I've been with Vince" Shawn states. You huff and return your attention to the book in your hands, having a moment of calm before you go to work, after all, it's going to be a busy night, as the pay per views usually are.

"I'll see you later, okay? I'm going to head to the gym with Hunter" You nod in response, catching a glimpse of the blonde you have come to love as he picks up his gym bag and heads back out of sight.

Perhaps having a little peace and quiet will be nice, at least then you'll be able to read the novel in your hands.

You hear the door open and close, and you know now Shawn's definitely gone.
You sigh, putting your full attention into the book, allowing it to whisk you away to somewhere else before you have to watch over the show.

"You're going to watch it with me, right?" Stephanie asks. With a sigh you find yourself nodding at her question, agreeing to sit and watch the show with her.

It isn't something you'd usually do as a producer, but for some reason your schedule for the night is surprisingly empty.
Stephanie pulls you over to the couch and sits you down on it, seemingly over excited for the night.

Four matches later you find yourself staring blankly at the screen before you, so far the show hasn't been the most exciting thing in the world, having two good promos and two filler matches.
Hearing the door open you turn to look and find Triple H has just wandered into the room.

Eager to move you almost jump up, quickly making your way over to him.
Your legs scream in protest but you have to, if you sit down for another minute you're afraid you might just never get up.

You hear the familiar theme of the heartbreak kid start up in the background, but you're too far gone to really care what's going on in the ring.
"Y'know, I couldn't be happier that you gave me an excuse to get up and move, Stephanie's had me glued to the sear for the whole show" Your over exaggeration causes Triple H to chuckle and glance at his soon to be wife with a smile on his face.

"You are part of the reason this company runs so smoothly, you should watch your hard work come to life" He smiles.
You roll your eyes playfully, a smile across your lips.

"It isn't that easy, if it were I'd be much less stressed out" Hunter shakes his head, walking over to sit beside Stephanie.
"Perhaps you need a holiday" Stephanie adds.
You sigh, a holiday would be nice, but you don't have the time for holidays, or usually much time all for that matter.

"Y/n, you're needed" you turn to look at the door but the man that had said that has already left.
"Got to go" you say to Stephanie and Triple H, but they seem too busy watching Shawn's segment to hear you, so you just leave.

You make your way to the nearest place to ask where you're needed, and that happens to be the gorilla.
"Does any body know who needs me? you ask, and everybody shakes their heads.
"The Heart Break Kid has a question for one lady in particular, would Y/n come down here please?" Shawn's voice echos around the room, and it takes a minute for you to register his words.

Quickly you make your way out, no music or anything playing, you don't have a theme, you don't need one. Being one of the producers you don't go out very often, so you don't need a theme.
Even from a distance you see Shawn's face light up when he sees you, which causes a smile to make it's way onto your lips.

Shawn watches as you make your way down the ramp and eventually up the steel stairs to the apron.
Being the gentleman you know him to be Shawn helps you into the ring, even passing you his microphone and going and getting another for himself.

"Y/n" Shawn begins, making eye contact with you, "I've called you out here for one reason. Three years and seven months, to the day, we have been together, three years and seven months the Heart Break Kid has broken no hearts. What I'm really trying to say is.."

Suddenly Shawn lowers to be on one knee, pulling a blue velvet box from his pocket.
"You're the most beautiful woman I know, and your heart I want to stay in tact forever, marry me?" In this moment you forget you're in the ring surrounded by cameras and fans, in this moment it is just you and Shawn.

You nod, rather frantically, finding it simply impossible to utter a single word.
A happy tear falls from your eye as Shawn stands and encases you in his arms, holding you tightly, embracing you in the moment.

Clapping in the background can be heard, and Shawn lets go of you, taking your left hand and slipping the ring onto your finger.

"It's beautiful" you say with a smile. Shawn shrugs with a huge smile on his face.
"I do have good taste" you chuckle at his words, moving to hug him once more.

"Congratulations!" Stephanie squeals, running towards you. You brace yourself for a hug, which comes shortly after. "Let me see, let me see!" You lift your left hand and Stephanie gasps.
"It's gorgeous" she says, moving your hand to look at the diamond in different lighting, watching it sparkle as the lighting changes.

"I know, I love it" you say with a smile, admiring the ring yourself.
"Did I do well?" Shawn asks, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.
"Yes, you always do"

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