AJ Styles - Trophies

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Dean notices his trophy is missing from the locker room, and you find out that's not all that has been taken.

A sigh escapes your lips as your best friend and tag team partner runs towards you.
With a roll of your e/c eyes you turn your music off, but you continue your assault on the red punching bag.

With no in ring appearances tonight you had decided to hit the gym in the arena, simply to preoccupy yourself while the show goes on before the drive to the next city.

"What is so important you have to interrupt my training, Ambrose?" You ask. The husband of your sister glares at you for a second before dropping the façade.
"It's the locker room, someone's gone through all our stuff" he rushes.
You freeze, fist less than an inch away from the leather bag.

"What?" Your voice lowers an octave and you turn slowly on your heel to face the Ohioan, a deadly look glimmering in your eyes.
"Someone has tipped the room upside down" Dean says, turning his head as close to upside down as he can get it.

You dab your forehead with a towel, removing the few drops of perspiration, heading towards the showers.
"I will be five minutes, go find any clues as to who did this" you demand, turning towards the door to the showers.

As promised you were in and out of the shower in roughly five minutes, getting dressed in a separate cubical.
You hear Dean shout your name from outside the room so you hurry up, not bothering to re-tie your hair.

"Find anything?" You ask as Dean appears in your line of sight. Dean shakes his head. "Crap, what leads do we have?"

"I'll tell you the lead we have. Nothing was placed in the room but something was taken" Dean motions to his waist.
The title belt.
"You go back to the locker room, I'm going to handle this one" Dean nods and the two of you go your separate ways.

"Where is he Shane?" You demand. Shane shrugs, leaning back in his chair.
"How am I supposed to now where he is, I don't keep track of where everyone is" You scowl at the general manager.

"You tell me where he is Shane or there is-"
"Where who is?" Shane flashes you a grin and you scowl at him, turning slowly to face the man you've been looking for for nearly 20 minutes.

Your eyes immediately drop to his waste where sure enough the gold sits.
Shane leaves unnoticed by the two of you, not wanting to get involved in what is about to happen.
Your eyes trail back up to his face and AJ simply stands there, arms crossed, smirk on his face as he watches you.

"You can wipe that look off of your face right now Styles." You state, crossing your own arms.
An amused twinkle appears in his eyes and you clench your jaw, determined not to forcefully remove the look from his face.

You take in a deep breath and he drops his arms to rest by his side.
He stands taller than you, but not by much, only two inches, so you don't have to look up too fare to glare at him.
"You've got something that isn't yours" You say, not even bothering to hint at the belt, he knows damn well what you're on about.

"You know what gorgeous, you're right" You do a double take on his words, your obvious confusion amusing him.
AJ reaches into the pocket on his jacket, pulling out a black, A5 book. Your eyes widen at the sight of it and panic surges through your body.

You reach forwards and snatch it from his gloved hand, holding it as tight as you can.
He can NOT see what is written in here, no one can. Not AJ, not Dean, not even Renee is allowed to look in this book.

Sure it is only a diary with your schedule in it for the week, but it also contains notes, thoughts, feelings.
If Dean knew he'd refuse to speak to you ever again, hell you'd likely be made the laughing stock of the company, all your secrets hidden in the pages.
From longer paragraphs about how certain things have made you feel to simply drawing a heart next to one name.
It cannot be seen by anyone.

"I don't know what you're hiding it for Y/n, I already read through quite a lot of it"
For a moment the world stops spinning, panic crashing over you, a flash flood of thoughts and feelings running dangerously fast throughout your body, consuming and destroying everything in its path.
You blink, eyes coming to focus on AJ once again.

"I don't know what you're embarrassed about Y/n, I found it rather touching, or well, you did the touching about me" You feel your entire body heat up, panic being replaced with dread.

"You cannot tell a soul" you whisper, keeping eye contact.
You do not need anyone else finding out about your secrets, especially not that one.
It's one thing to have people know you think their an ass, but its another to know you have a little - big - crush on your brother-in-law's rival.
"I won't" AJ states, "So long as you come to dinner with me" he adds. You frown.
You can't be seen having dinner with AJ, Dean would flip a gasket.

"That's blackmail" You reply quickly.
"You want it as much as I do. Come on, we can go have (favourite meal) and watch the sun set" you cross your arms.
"You know what?" You rhetorically ask, "Fine. But you forget about everything you read in this book"

"Even that part where I-"
"Enough." AJ chuckles, holding his arm out.
"Time to go" He states.
"What about Dean's title?" You ask, finally getting back onto the reason you wanted to find him in the first place.

AJ removes it from his waist, tossing it onto the table in the center of the room, placing his arm around your waist.
"He can have it. I've got my trophy from tonight on my arm"

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